Requests and Features Roadmap

This page will outline the major requests and features roadmap as it develops.

Several user requirements workshops and followup discussions have been held with stakeholders and have identified a number of more complex requirements around integrating search with other applications and knowledge bases (in particular the Library and NU Connect). These requirements will be prioritised in December 2018 and work will begin early in 2019.

Some of the things that have been mentioned…

Some of these items come out of the box, some will require development as the roadmap is finalised for future projects.

Category Requirement
Search Tool Crawl and Index webpages
Make use of metadata from webpages
Query and return data from databaes
Integrate with and extract results from APIs of other systems (e.g. Library Search, NUConnect and other Knowledge Bases)
Be aware of synonyms
Allow searching based on a question rather than keyword
Be aware of related queries
API to generate Opensearch result format
Allow biasing of results
Allow removal of individual results from search index
Allow voice activated search
Marketing Dashboard View search trends
View popular searches
Generate visual reports for quick analysis
Generate detailed reports for integration with other data for analytics
SERP Allow for promotion/banners at given time periods
Allow filtering based on content type metadata
Signpost to relavent search areas (Library/Intranet as appropriate) – based on search terms and or the page the user came to the SERP from
Mobile responsive
By default, be styled like the main University brand
User customisable layouts (tiles/list etc)
Include results from other search systems in tabs/widgets
Allow for promotion/banners for different audiences
Provide type-ahead/auto complete
Allow filtering based on user type
Customise results based on various categories of user
Customise appearance of result based on type of content
Inherit template from the site the user came from
Allow feedback on search results
Shopping basket like comparisons