Working from home and supporting your mental health

Even though it started off as a novelty, but working from home for long periods of time can start to affect our mental health. You may be experiencing some of the following:

  • Feeling isolated, lonely, or disconnected from other people – socially and professionally 
  • Being unable to ‘switch off from work’ 
  • Having difficulty staying motivated 
  • Having difficulty prioritising your workload 
  • Feeling uncertain about your progress, and whether you’re performing ok 
  • Insomnia and sleep problems 

Remember you are not alone and help is always available. Here are two websites with some tips to help your work-life balance.

Don’t forget you can also download the Health e-Hub app for your phone from the Google Play App Store. It’s simple to use and offers help with a range of issues-physical, mental and financial wellbeing, self-improvement and lifestyle guidance. The log-in is simply username: Newcastle, password: University

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