MEP wellbeing competition

The Modelling, Evidence and Policy group spent January on a wellbeing competition – in teams of around 5, we recorded the time everyone spent on different activities to get us through the start of another lockdown, and hopefully get us all into good habits for the rest of the lockdown. Anything that can contribute to wellbeing counted – from walking to reading, doing jigsaws, to singing in a choir (online of course)!

The most popular activities were being active outdoors such as walking or running, being active indoors such as workouts or yoga, and reading (Fig. 1). Other popular activities were baking, board games, jigsaws… you name it! In the end, team Goaldiggers won, though Well in Hell earned most chocolate bars (Fig. 2). On average, everyone spent 2,733 minutes on wellbeing activities. With 29 participants, that adds up to 1,321 hours. Well done everyone, and keep up the good work!

Fig 1. Time spent in January on different activities by MEP members. Colours denote group.
Fig 2. Number of chocolate bars earned per person for outdoor activities.

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