The Peer Led Perfectionism Workshops (PLIP) are two one-hour minutes sessions held one week apart, run by fellow students. They aim to help identify any perfectionistic thoughts, feelings and behaviours that athletes or students may have, and offer guidance on how to resist the pressure to be perfect. This can help lower the pressure and anxiety that athletes and students put on themselves before important competitions or exams. The workshops also help encourages athletes to deal with setbacks in a more constructive manner, altogether improving their performance mindset.
Session 1 Overview:
- Introductions
- The Origin of the ‘Fictional Ideal’
- Perfectionism Myth-Busting
- Costs of Pursuing the ‘Fictional Ideal’
- The Perfect Talk
- Home Exercises
Session 2 Overview:
- Home Exercises Debrief
- Discouraging the Pursuit of Perfectionism
- Anti-perfectionism Activism: Top-10 List
- Resisting Future Pressures to be Perfect
- Session Wrap Up
Feedback we’ve had so far:
- ‘The leaders were really friendly and tried to make it as interactive and as open as possible.’
- ‘I really loved how open it was to talk and how thought evoking it was.’
- ‘Really comfortable setting for discussion.’
- ‘It was fun finding a new perspective on sport.’
If you would like your athletes to take part in these perfectionism workshops, please click ‘Sign-Up Link’ in the drop down menu and share this with your athletes.