We have developed this website to act as a central hub for all sport psychology opportunities. This website will allow you to access:
- Applied resources for a range of psychological areas
- An overview of the Peer Led Perfectionism Workshops and sign up link
- An overview of the Biofeedback Clinic and its sign up link
- Information about us and our contact details
Each of the above have a drop down menu, which explores the opportunity in more detail. For example, hovering over the ‘Biofeedback’ menu allows you to look at pages such as ‘What is Biofeedback?’, ‘The Clinic’ and ‘Biofeedback Clinic Sign Up Link’ By using the menu above, you can access all pages with ease.
We hope you enjoy this hub and we hope you find it useful to apply to your sports teams. If you have any feedback regarding the site or the resources, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we are open to all feedback.