July Webinar Series – 3

An introduction to the STAR metric for business and policy

This webinar presents the Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (STAR) metric, and discusses how it can be used by policy makers and businesses.

STAR quantifies the potential contribution of actions to abate threats and restore habitat towards the reduction of global species extinction risk in any particular place. STAR is intended as a metric for setting and measuring progress towards science-based species conservation targets, for use by actors across all of society.

The underlying data, assumptions and calculation of STAR are explained, and global STAR results for terrestrials amphibians, birds and mammals are presented.

The webinar also provides an opportunity to ask questions about STAR and discuss its uses, and is an important route to consider current and future developments to ensure STAR meets user needs. 

You can find a recording of the webinar below:

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