July Webinar Series – 3

An introduction to the STAR metric for business and policy

This webinar presents the Species Threat Abatement and Restoration (STAR) metric, and discusses how it can be used by policy makers and businesses.

STAR quantifies the potential contribution of actions to abate threats and restore habitat towards the reduction of global species extinction risk in any particular place. STAR is intended as a metric for setting and measuring progress towards science-based species conservation targets, for use by actors across all of society.

The underlying data, assumptions and calculation of STAR are explained, and global STAR results for terrestrials amphibians, birds and mammals are presented.

The webinar also provides an opportunity to ask questions about STAR and discuss its uses, and is an important route to consider current and future developments to ensure STAR meets user needs. 

You can find a recording of the webinar below:

July Webinar Series – 2

Conserving genetic diversity through National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans

Speaker: Sean Hoban

This webinar establishes that all countries can include genetic diversity as a vital component of biodiversity planning; can design targets, action and policy for genetic diversity; and can monitor and report on genetic diversity.

To do so, the webinar first gives an overview of how Parties, as well as non-state entities, can integrate genetic diversity into their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPS).  This part of the webinar includes ten simple suggestions based on a review of 21 recent NBSAPs (including 8 since the KM GBF) from around the world. 

Following this, a brief explanation of the genetic diversity indicators, including Headline Indicator A.4 is given. Next, the results from a pilot implementation of the headline indicator in nine countries including several megadiverse countries are discussed.  The results of the indicator show that genetic diversity is declining within many populations worldwide.  They also show that data are available and the indicators are affordable and feasible. 

You can find a recording of the webinar below:

July Webinar Series – 1

Implementing actions to achieve Target 4 of the Global Biodiversity Framework

Speakers: Phil McGowan, Stuart Butchart, Francesca Ridley

To support focussed and effective implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiveristy Framework, especially in the light of the failure to make significant progress on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by 2020, this webinar gives an overview of Goal A and Target 4 and considers what the negotiated wording of these elements mean in practice.

All Targets are important to achieve the species outcomes in Goal A. Target 4 establishes the need for targeted action in addition to reducing threats through actions under Targets 1-3 and 5-7 and identifies outcomes for species to address species extinctions, extinction risk, and population abundance to be achieved by 2050.

We show that focussed action can avert extinctions, as called for by Target 4. The science is available to support both the identification of the main threats driving extinction risk in a country (or other spatial scale) and to then identify species that require action under Target 4. We conclude the webinar by giving an overview of the newly developed STAR app which can contribute to supporting implementation of Target 4 by quantifying assessments of threats towards species and making this information easily accessible.

You can find a recording of the webinar below:

Justice Informed Species Conservation and the Global Biodiversity Framework

This panel and Q&A forum was held as part of the World Species Congress in May 2024. The panel discussed pathways to more justice-informed conservation approaches in relation to global conservation policy and the newly agreed Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. You can find a recording of the panel below.

Please let us know your thoughts on justice-informed species conservation and the Global Biodiversity Framework by taking part in the survey below.

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Policy Support



Mair, L., Elnahass, M., Hawkins, F., Siikamaki, L. H., Barrie, S., and McGowan, P.

McGowan, P., Hutchinson, A., Brooks, T. M., Elliott, W.,
Hoffmann, M., , Mair, L., McDougall, A., Raimondo, D.C., and
Butchart, S.H.M.


Bolam, F.C., Ahumada, J., Akçakaya, H.R., Brooks, T.M., Elliott, W., Hoban, S., Mair, L., Mallon, D., McGowan, P.J., Raimondo, D. and Rodríguez, J.P.

Plumptre, A.J., Butchart, S.H.M., von Staden, L., Smith, R.J., Matimele, H., Starnes, T., Brooks, T.M., Baisero, D., Costa, H., Duarte, E.


Bolam, F., Mair, L., Brooks, T.M., McGowan, P.J.K., Mallon, D.P., Butchart, S.H.M., et al.

Williams, B., Butchart, S.H.M., Brooks, T.M., Butt, N., Bolam, F., Mair, L., McGowan, P.J.K., Mallon, D.P., Harrison, I., et al.

We contributed to the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 a report of achievement towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

World Species Congress – 15th May

The World Species Congress is taking place virtually across 24 hours on May 15 and includes a packed programme on species recovery efforts, global and local conservation policy, and actions to ensure the survival of wild species and ecosystems.

We are very excited to be hosting two events during the Congress. Phil McGowan and Alison Hutchinson will be running sessions in the morning, so please do join us! You can find the  Agenda here.

Talk 1: Justice-informed species conservation and the Global Biodiversity Framework

Alison will present a Q&A forum with Ragnhild Sollund (University of Oslo), Dany Celermajer (University of Sydney), and Carlos Andrés Baquero-Díaz (New York University). The panel will discuss pathways to more justice-informed conservation approaches in relation to global conservation policy and the newly agreed Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Talk 2: The Strategy Needed to Achieve Target 4 of the Global Biodiversity Framework

Phil will present on the species elements of the Global Biodiversity Framework, which emphasises the need for urgent management actions to ensue the recovery of threatened species.  The presentation will outline the species-related ambitions and goals within the Framework and give a broad overview of the need to develop strategies to ensure positive species outcomes.


By registering for the congress, you’ll have access to:

  • the 24-hour live stream
  • live chat discussions with presenters post-presentation
  • downloadable resources, tools, and strategy frameworks
  • next steps in training and collaboration, taking your conservation work to the next level