A word from Alex

So we are becoming famous in the BVI! We have been on T.V, the front of the Newspaper, and on the radio. Ma Julie and Lennox seem impressed anyway.

Phoebe and I spoke to the Rotary Club on Tuesday morning – it was all very formal, we got to sit at the head table and eat fancy breakfast before giving our presentation (perhaps prepared a little last minute but luckily went smoothly). A Jeep/any kind of vehicle is still non-existent but team spirits are up as we all troop round East End together. We have finally got in with the fishermen, all that time spent hanging out at the gas station has paid off! Beth was horrified at the sight of a baby nurse shark on top of a fisher’s catch with a spear mark through its head but played it cool to make sure we got that interview. We now have a new record of 12 interviews in one day – go team!

The other day Niall and I interviewed the yachter who had been robbed at gun point a couple of days before – he showed us the bullet hole in the roof. It had been big news here and we had no idea it was him until we got to the question ‘do you think people in the community are honest and can be trusted?’ and he just laughed (in quite a scary way) for ages.

We certainly had our share of fun. Last weekend it was Beth’s birthday, we had a night a Scrub Island where a steel band was playing and we may or may not have got tempted by the trampoline on the sea and the huge pool with water slide. On the day itself we got a free trip to Cooper Island from the wonderful Sail Caribbean Divers. They took us across on the boat (wettest ride of our lives) and then left us with snorkels, kayaks and paddle boards – so much fun! And let’s not forget Beth’s favourite thing of all, food! there was a very delicious restaurant on the beach where we had an amazing lunch and happy hour cocktails.

Only two weeks to go, 62 interviews left – the pressure is on!