
It’s Sunday and the internet is working surprisingly well for the first time in 3 weeks 😉  Look out for those catch-up e-mails!  I also fixed the gallery below so you should actually be able to see the pictures now.

We had a terrible steak on Thursday night.  So tough we have put it in a plastic bag in the fridge ready to be used to distract those packs of dogs we keep encountering.  I figure we can throw them the steak and will then have at least 5 minutes while they break their teeth on it before they attack again.

Yesterday was a lovely day.  We did some more household interviews in Sandy Ground and North Hill.  Pia hit upon 3 deaf ladies and a woman with some form of dementia…. I talked to Mr Cat, an older gentleman with 20 ginger cats.

In the evening we went to the 30th Annual International food night at the beautiful Catholic church.  All the society people were there dressed up in their finest.  Live music from a steal drum band.  Pia had a rather large gin – 70% gin, 20% ice, 10% tonic.  Apparently the tonic is cheaper than the gin. I ran around collecting tasters from all the tables and hiding then in the car and we did a ‘meals of wheels’ service and dropped it off for the cat man on our way home. Now the pimp car smells of west african goat curry. There was some great food from the Phillippines, Trinidad, Anguilla, Italy, St. Kitts and Dominica… we came home stuffed and had a rather esoteric conversation on the nature of objectivity.

Tonight we are hosting a small dinner party for our new friends.  Pia is cooking Thai green curry and  I am trying my hand at spring rolls and peanut noodles.  I figure serve enough rum and everything will go swimmingly!

Pictures to follow.  The latest pictures are from my shopping trip to the Jamaican organic farm (yes those are tomatoes!).  He uses large white rabbit poo as fertilizer.


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