- Sarhosis V., Milani G., Beyer K, Verstrynge E. (2019). Assessment and monitoring of historic masonry structures. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. (to be published in 2019)
- Sarhosis V., Bagi K., Lemos J.V., Milani G. (Eds) (2016). Computational Modelling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method, IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/9
- 78-1-5225-0231-9
Book Sections
- Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V., Bagi K. (2018). Discrete element modelling of the non-linear static and dynamic response of masonry structures. In Milani G. & Ghiassieds B. eds. Numerical Modelling of Masonry and Historical Structures. (accepted)
- Sarhosis V., Kapusta K, Levis S (2017). Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) in Europe: Field trials, laboratory experiments and EU-funded projects. In: Klimenko A., & Blinderman M. eds. Underground Coal Gasification and Combustion, 2018, Pages 129-171.
- Sarhosis V., Oliveira D.V., Lourenco P.B. (2016). On the mechanical behaviour of masonry structures. In: Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V., Bagi K., Milani G. eds. Computational Modelling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method. IGI Global.
- Sarhosis V. (2016). Micro-modelling options for masonry structures. In: Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V., Bagi K., Milani G. eds. Computational Modelling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method. IGI Global.
- Mohebkhah A. & Sarhosis V. (2016). Discrete Element Modelling of Masonry-Infilled Frames. In: Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V., Bagi K., Milani G. eds. Computational Modelling of Masonry Structures Using the Discrete Element Method. IGI Global.
- Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Asteris P. (2015). Seismic Vulnerability of Ancient Colonnade: Numerical analysis of the two storey colonnade of the Forum in Pompeii. In: P. G. Asteris & V. Plevris eds. Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historic Structures. IGI Global, 123-155.
- Asteris P., Sarhosis V., Mohebkhah A., Plevris V., Papaloizou L., Komodromos P., Lemos J.V. (2015). Numerical Modelling of Masonry Structures. Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historic Structures. In: P. G. Asteris & V. Plevris eds. Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historic Structures. IGI Global, 78-95.
Peer–Reviewed International Journals
- Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V. (2018). Detailed micro-modelling of masonry using the discrete element method. Computers and Structures, 206, 66-81.
- D’Altri A.M, de Miranda S., Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V. (2018). A 3D Detailed Micro-Model for the In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Numerical Analysis of Masonry Structures. Computers and Structures, 206, 18-30.
- Forgacs T., Sarhosis V., Bagi K., (2018). Influence of construction method on the load bearing capacity of skew masonry arches. Engineering Structures, 168, 612-627.
- D’Altri A.M, Milani G., de Miranda S., Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V. (2018). Stability Analysis of Leaning Historic Masonry Structures. Automation in Construction. 92(1), 199-213.
- Penava D, Sarhosis V, Kožarc I., Guljašd I. (2018). Contribution of RC columns and masonry wall to the shear resistance of masonry infilled RC frames containing different in size window and door openings. Engineering Structures, 172, 105-130.
- Anic F., Penava D., Varevac D., Sarhosis V. (2018). Determination of Governing Clay Block Masonry Characteristics for Simulation of Infilled RC Frame Out-of-Plane Behaviour, Technical Gazette, ISSN 1330-3651(Print), ISSN 1848-6339 (Online).
- Sarhosis V., Milani G., Formisano A. (2017). Evaluation of different approaches for the estimation of the seismic vulnerability of masonry towers. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-35.
- Cavaleri L., Trapani F.D., Asteris P.G., Sarhosis V., (2017). Influence of column shear failure on pushover based assessment of masonry infilled reinforced concrete framed structures: A case study. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 100, 98-112.
- Xiao Jun, Wang Tao, Han Yanhui, Sarhosis V., John Tsang Chun (2017). Dynamic analysis of ancient colonnade using 3DEC. Rock and Soil Mechanics.
- Forgacs T., Sarhosis V., Bagi K., (2017). Minimum thickness of semi-circular skewed masonry arches. Engineering Structures, 140, 317–336.
- Pulatsu B., Sarhosis V., Bretas E. Lourenco P. Nikitas N. (2017). Nonlinear static behaviour of multi-drum ancient columns. Structures and Buildings, 1-25.
- Bui T.T., Limam A., Sarhosis V., Hjiaj M. (2017). Discrete element modelling of the in-plane and out-of-plane behaviour of masonry walls constructed with dry joints. Engineering Structures. 136, 277-294.
- Prizemana OEC., Sarhosis V., D’Altri A.M, Whitmana C.J., Muratore G. Modelling from the past: Revisiting reports of the south west tower of Caerphilly castle 1539 – 2017. Digital Workflows for Heritage Conservation, 1-14.
- Sarhosis V., Asteris P. G., Mohebkhah A., Xiao J. and Wang T. (2016). Three dimensional modelling of ancient colonnade structural systems subjected to harmonic and seismic loading. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 40(4), Techno-Press.
- Sarhosis V., Hosking L.J., Thomas H.R. (2016). A preliminary evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of deep lying coal seams in the South Wales Coalfield. Environmental Geotechnics – ICE Publishing, doi: 1680/jenge.16.00007.
- Sarhosis V., Jaya A.A., Thomas H.R. (2016). Techno-economic modelling of coal bed methane in the South Wales Coalfield. Energy, 107, 580-594. doi:10.1016/
- Sarhosis V. (2016). Editorial: Advances in Masonry Materials and Structures: Experimental & Numerical Modelling Aspects. Open Construction and Building Technology Journal.
- Sarhosis V., Lavis S., Mostade M., Thomas H.R. (2016). Moving towards commercialisation of Underground Coal Gasification in the EU. ICE Environmental Geotechnics. Paper 15.00044
- Wang C., Nikitas N., Forth J., Sarhosis V. (2016). Retrofitting of masonry walls by using a mortar joint technique: Experiments and numerical validation. Engineering Structures, 117, 58-70.
- Sarhosis V., Asteris P., Wang T., Hu W., Han Y. (2016). On the stability of ancient colonnades under static and dynamic conditions, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-22, DOI 10.1007/s10518-016-9881-z.
- Sarhosis V., De Santis S., De Felice G. (2016). A review of experimental investigations and assessment methods for masonry arch bridges. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1, 1-26.
- Sarhosis V. (2016). An optimization procedure for material parameter identification in masonry constitutive models. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 1(1), 48-58
- Asteris P. G., Repapis C., Cavaleri L., Sarhosis V., Athanasopoulou A. (2015). On the Fundamental Period of Infilled RC Buildings, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 54(6), 1175-1200. DOI: 10.12989/sem.2015.54.6.1175
- Cavaleri L., Di Trapani F., Asteris P., Sarhosis V., (2015). Infilled frames and equivalent struts: An approach considering the effects of openings and vertical loads. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-32
- Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2015). Influence of the brick-mortar interface on the mechanical response of low bond strength masonry lintels, Engineering Structures, 88, 1-11.
- Sarhosis V., Sheng Y. (2014). Identification of material parameters for low bond strength masonry, Engineering Structures, 60, 100-110.
- Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Sheng Y., Manfredi G. (2014). Evaluation of different computational modelling strategies for modelling low strength masonry, Engineering Structures, 73, 160-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.05.007
- Sarhosis V., Oliveira D.V., Lemos J.V., Lourenco P. (2014). The effect of the angle of skew on the mechanical behaviour of arches, Mechanics Research Communications, 61, 53-49.
- Yang D., Sarhosis , Sheng Y. (2014). Thermo-mechanical modelling around the UCG reactor. Journal of Energy Institute, 87(4), 321-327.
- Sarhosis V., Tsavdaridis K., Giannopoulos G. (2014). Discrete Element Modelling of masonry in-filled steel frames with multiple window openings subjected to lateral load variations, Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 8(1), 93-103.
- Sheng Y., Sarhosis V., Yang D., Green M., Nakaten N., Kempka T., Hristov N., Bukolska D., Merachev D., Koukouzas N., Katsimpardi I., Dinis da Gama C., Veríssimo A. (2014). Interdisciplinary Studies on the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Deep Underground Coal Gasification with CO2 storage in Bulgaria. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Springer, 1-33.
- Sarhosis , Yang D., Sheng Y., Kempka T. (2013). Coupled Hydro-thermal Analysis of Underground Coal Gasification Reactor Cool Down for Subsequent CO2Storage, Energy Procedia, 40, 428-436.
- Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2010).Computational modelling of clay brickwalls containing openings. International Masonry Society (IMS), 3, 1743-1752.
Conference Proceedings
- Sarhosis V., Lemos J.V. (2018). A numerical investigation of the compressive strength of masonry using discrete element method. 10th International Masonry Conference, G. Milani, A. Taliercio and S. Garrity (eds.). Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018.
- Forgacs T., Sarhosis V., Bagi K. (2018). Discrete element modelling of skew masonry arch bridges taking into account arch bacfill interaction. 10th International Masonry Conference, G. Milani, A. Taliercio and S. Garrity (eds.). Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018.
- Kassotakis N., Sarhosis V., Mills J., D’Altri A., de Miranda S., Castellazzi G. (2018). From point clouds to geometry generation for the detailed micro-modelling of masonry structures. 10th International Masonry Conference, G. Milani, A. Taliercio and S. Garrity (eds.). Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018.
- Stockdale G., Sarhosis V., Milani G., (2018). Increase in seismic resistance for a dry joint masonry arch subjected to hinge control. 10th International Masonry Conference, G. Milani, A. Taliercio and S. Garrity (eds.). Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018.
- D’Altri A.M., Milani G., Miranda S. de, Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V., (2018). On the stability analysis of geometrically complex leaning historic structures. Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions SAHC 2018, 11-13 September, Cusco, Peru.
- Mohebkhah A., Sarhosis V., Tavafi E. (2018). Seismic behaviour of cube of Zoroaster tower using the distinct element method. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (EEEC), Thessaloniki, Greece, Greece.
- D’Altri A.M, Miranda S. de, Castellazzi G., Sarhosis V., (2018). Micro-modelling of masonry structures: An approach with simplified cohesive interfaces. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (EEEC), Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Penava D., Anic F., Sarhosis V., (2018). The effect of openings on the out of plane behaviour of masonry infilled RC frame structures. 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Stockdale G., Sarhosis V., Milani G. (2018). Simplified measurement technique for rigid-body deformations of two masonry blocks. Civil-Comp Press (CST2018). The 13th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain 4-6 September 2018.
- Anić F., Penava D., Abrahamczyk, L., Sarhosis V (2018). Simplified methodologies for out-of-plane resistance verification of framed-masonry walls // Young Scientist 2018 / Kvočák, Vincent (ed.). Tatranská Lomnica: Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2018. pp. 1-10.
- Pregnolato M., Sarhosis V., Glenis V., Kilsby C., Hetherington D. (2018). Transport resilience to flood-induced bridge failures. 29th IAHR Symposium on hydraulic machinery and systems. September 16-21, 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- Penava D., Anic F., Sarhosis V., (2018). Out of plane behaviour of RC frame and masonry wall in frame-wall structural system containing openings. Croatian Young Researchers Conference.
- Dhonju HK, Xiao W, Sarhosis V, Mills JP, Wilkinson S, Wang Z, Thapa L, Panday US. (2017). Feasibility study of low-cost image-based heritage documentation in Nepal. In: 3D ARCH – 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures: 7th International Workshop. Nafplio, Greece: ISPRS.
- Anić F., Penava D., and Sarhosis V. (2017). Development of a three dimensional computational model for the in-plane and out-of-plane analysis of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames, COMPDYN 2017, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.), Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June 2017.
- Sarhosis V., Fabrocino F., Formisano A., Milani G. (2017) Seismic vulnerability of different in geometry historic masonry towers. COMPDYN 2017, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, M. Papadrakakis, M. Fragiadakis (eds.), Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June 2017.
- Kassotakis, N., Sarhosis, V., Forgács, Tamás and Bagi, K. (2017). Discrete element modelling of multi-ring brickwork masonry arches. 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Halifax, Canada, June 4th to June 7th 2017.
- Dhonju H., Xiao W., Shakya B., Mills J., Sarhosis (2017). Documentation of heritage structures through geo-crowdsourcing and web-mapping, 5th International Workshop on Web Mapping, Geoprocessing and ServicesWeb MGS 2017, 18-22 September 2017, Wuhan, China, No 39.
- Anić F., Penava D., and Sarhosis V. (2017). Influence of variability in materials used on seismic response of masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames. Osmi susret Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, 12-21.
- Formisano A., Vituat R., Milani G., Sarhosis V. (2017). Parametric seismic analysis on masonry bell towers. ANIDIS 2017 – XVII Conference, 1-8.
- Kapusta K., Sarhosis V., Stańczyk K., Thomas H.R. (2015). Investigations of the temperature distributions in lignite and hard coal seams during underground coal gasification (UCG) process. Clean Coal Technology Conference (CCT2015), Krakow.
- Mocek P., Sarhosis V., Murugesan K., Thomas H.R., Stanczyk K. (2015). Effects of UCG injection parameters on syngas characteristics of South Wales Coal. Clean Coal Technology Conference (CCT2015),
- Sarhosis V., Jaya A.A., Hosking L.J., Koj A., Thomas H.R. (2015). Techno-economics for coal bed methane production in the South Wales Coalfield. Clean Coal Technology Conference (CCT2015),
- Sarhosis V., Koj A., Nowak D., Kapusta K., Stanczyk K., Thomas H.R. (2015). Underground coal gasification: Moving towards commercialisation. XV Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Hosking L.J., Sarhosis V., Koj A., Price N., Thomas H.R. (2015). Assessment of reservoir conditions and engineering factors influencing coal bed methane recovery in the South Wales Coalfield. XV Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Cosenza E. (2014). Discrete element modelling of the archaeological colonnade in Pompeii. In: 9th International Masonry Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal.
- Giamundo V., Sarhosis V., Lignola G.P., Sheng Y., Manfredi G., Garrity S. (2014). Numerical evaluation of in-plane behaviour of low bond strength masonry by means of FEM and DEM analysis. In: 9th International Masonry Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal.
- Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2013). Computational modelling of low bond strength brickwork wall/beam panels with retro-fitted reinforcement. In of the 12th Canadian Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
- Sarhosis V., Yang D., Kempka T., Sheng Y. (2013). Geo-mechanical analysis of underground coal gasification reactor cool down for subsequent CO2 European Geosciences Union, Vol. 15, EGU2013-6059-1.
- Sarhosis V., Oliveira D., Lemos J.V., Sheng Y., Lourenco P. (2013). The behaviour of skew single span stone masonry arches. In: Proc. of 7th Conference on Arch Bridges (ARCH13), 2-4 October, Croatia.
- Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng Y. (2012). A computational modelling approach for low bond strength masonry. Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions, 1, 559-566.
- Yang D., Sarhosis V., Sheng Y. (2012). Computational modelling of the cavity growth in UCG. UK-Pakistan Coal Conference, 2-5 July, Leeds, UK.
- Thomopoulos N., Sarhosis V. (2012). Bridging the gap between new research avenues: Using social media for natural disaster resilience. Poster presented in: 1st Conference on Mobility, Infrastructures and Resilience. University of Leeds, Leeds. (Poster won the 1st price).
- Sheng Y., Ye J., Stewart D., Yang D., Sarhosis V., Eshiet K. (2012). Underground coal gasification and C02 capture and storage. Poster presented in: Energy Building Opening Ceremony, University of Leeds, UK.
- Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2011).Increasing the resilience of masonry structures. Poster presented in: 1st Conference on Resilience, Adaptability and Infrastructure Decarbonisation, University of Leeds, UK.
- Sarhosis V., Sheng Y., Garrity S.W. (2009).DEM of masonry wall panels with openings. Poster presented in: Young Research Conference, IStructE, London, UK.
- Sarhosis V., Garrity S.W., Sheng, Y. (2008). Distinct element modelling of masonry wall panels with openings. In: Proc. of the 9th Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Paper 17.