
First paper from the Newcastle Dental Aerosols Research Group published

The first paper from the Newcastle Dental Aerosols Research Group has now been published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation.

This paper reports our methodology for examining the distribution of aerosols and splatter produced by dental procedures which uses a fluorescent dye. We are the first group to apply both digital image analysis and spectrofluorometric analysis to the study of dental aerosols.

The experimental setup used in the research. This comprised of a rig with rigid rods spaced at 45-degree intervals in an 8-metre diameter circle around a mannequin. Filter papers were used to collect a fluorescent dye tracer.

We found that most contamination from dental procedures was distributed in the first 1 – 1.5 metres from the procedure, but for some procedures (particularly ultrasonic scaling), contamination could be detected some distance away.

The findings in this paper tell us where any “water-spray” from dental procedures go, but further work will need to show how much biological material is carried in this water-spray before we can better understand the risk of cross-infection posed by dental aerosols.

Heatmaps showing distribution of contamination from a crown preparation procedure on an front tooth using fluorescence photography image analysis (left) and spectrofluorometry (right).

The research was funded by the School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University and the British Endodontic Society.

Guidelines Publications

Recommendations: Ventilation, water and environmental cleaning in dental surgeries relating to COVID-19

Recommendations from a Short Life Working Group (SLWG), that included all devolved UK nations and representatives from Public Health England (PHE) and academia, included research from the Newcastle Dental Bioaerosols Research Group.

The authors conducted a rapid literature review and appraisal of the current evidence, producing recommendations to inform future policy and the development of guidance. The Chief Dental Officers see this as “a welcome addition to the information available on AGPs in the COVID period”

Guidelines Publications

Dental Schools Council guidance on returning to student-led dental clinics

A guidance document published by Dental Schools Council has outlined measures to allow a return to student-led treatment of patients, including treatment on open-plan dental clinics. This document cites early research from the Newcastle Dental Bioaerosols Research Group and will help to allow a return to clinical dental education.

Students and staff work on an open-plan dental clinic at Newcastle University School of Dental Sciences before the COVID-19 pandemic.