On “Quantum LC circuit paradox”

One of my younger friends and co-authors, Alex Kushnerov, has just pointed out to me the following statement:

“So, there are no electric or magnetic charges in the quantum LC circuit, but electric and magnetic fluxes only….”

It is made on the following website:


It seems that for ‘classical theorists’ in EM and Quantum Mechanics, this effect forms a paradox, which they call “Quantum LC circuit paradox”.

Presumably, if they started with energy current in the first place, which has nothing to do with charges or currents, and then simply capture energy current in spatial forms, that manifest themselves as “capacitors” or “inductors”, they would quantize it quite comfortably in a normal deterministic and causal sense. Thus they would have the effects of LC without any necessity to go to special ‘quantum LC’.

I wrote about these ideas in my Royal Society Phil Trans paper:

Energy current and computing

And in my earlier blogs …, e.g. https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/alexyakovlev/2014/10/

And, most importantly, that’s what Ivor Catt and his Catt Theory of EM have been trying to tell the rest of the world for more than half a century:


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