Our work has sought to address the negative impacts of anti-Muslim racism through research and policy engagement. The focus of this work has tended to focus on everyday experiences of Islamophobia and how this can be addressed through work with politicians, journalists and education.
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Read our ‘Understanding Islamophobia’ booklet
Read our Reports/Guides:
- White J. Finlay R. and Hopkins, P. Muslim youth in Scotland: racism, politics, and the media. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University. 2024.
- Hopkins P. Scotland’s Islamophobia – education, media, gender – update 2023. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2023.
- Hopkins P. Scotland’s Islamophobia – report of the inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland but the Cross Party Group on Tackling islamophobia – Executive Summary. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Hopkins P. Scotland’s Islamophobia: report of the inquiry into Islamophobia in Scotland by the Cross-Party Group on Tackling Islamophobia. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University, 2021.
- Hopkins P, Clayton J. Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred in North East England. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2020.
- Mir U, Hopkins P. Media guidelines: reporting on Muslims and Islam – Executive Summary. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament, 2019.
- Mir U, Hopkins P. Media guidelines: reporting on Muslims and Islam. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament, 2019.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P, Sanghera G. Muslim Youth and Political Participation in Scotland. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University and University of St Andrews, 2017.
- Hopkins P. Deflections, displacements, disengagements. In: Meer, N, ed. Scotland and Race Equality: Directions in Policy and Identity. London, UK: Runnymede, 2016, pp.30-31.
Read our Publications:
- Hopkins P. Practising anti-Islamophobic geographies. Space and Polity 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Hopkins P. What is Islamophobia?. Sociology Review 2021, 30(April), 10-12.
- Najib K, Hopkins P. Where does Islamophobia take place and who is involved? Reflections from Paris and London. Social and Cultural Geography 2020, 21(4), 458-478.
- Hopkins P. Social Geography II: Islamophobia, transphobia, and sizism. Progress in Human Geography 2020, 44(3), 583-594.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P. Resistance and Marginalisation: Islamophobia and the Political Participation of Young Muslims in Scotland. Social and Cultural Geography 2020, 21(4), 546-568.
- Finlay R, Hopkins P. Young Muslim women’s political participation in Scotland: Exploring the intersections of gender, religion, class and place. Political Geography 2019, 74, 102046.
- Najib K, Hopkins P. Veiled Muslim women’s strategies in response to Islamophobia in Paris. Political Geography2019, 73, 103-111.
- Burrell K, Hopkins P, Isakjee A, Lorne C, Nagel C, Finlay R, Nayak A, Benwell MC, Pande R, Richardson M, Botterill K, Rogaly B. Brexit, race and migration. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 2019, 37(1), 3-40.
- Hopkins P, Botterill K, Sanghera G, Arshad R. Encountering Misrecognition: Being Mistaken for Being Muslim. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2017, 107(4), 934-948.
- Botterill K, Hopkins P, Sanghera G, Arshad R. Securing disunion: Young people’s nationalism, identities and (in)securities in the campaign for an independent Scotland. Political Geography 2016, 55, 124-134.
- Hopkins P. Gendering Islamophobia, racism and white supremacy: gendered violence against those who look Muslim. Dialogues in Human Geography 2016, 8(2), 186-189.
- Dunn K, Hopkins P. The geographies of everyday Muslim life in the West. Australian Geographer 2016, 47(3), 255-260.