Zoe Molloy’s interventions

Zoe showed us her studio space, it is an unusual space and quite a few people were unaware of it’s existence so our visit to her installation fitted very well into the idea of exploring uncharted territory within the department. Finding the unfamiliar within the routine

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Zoe also placed some small works on the landing by the lifts high lighting an often overlooked view over the studio roofs.

Micheal and Franziska’s meditation on ruination

Micheal and Franziska brought together many strands of the Art of Straying project, reflecting on the experiences they had had during various visits outside of the department. They used architectural details to focus their thoughts upon, encouraging participants to notice the integration of old and new parts of the building. They also spoke about the process of ruination as expressed by Tim Edensor during the Material Memory Conference earlier in the year.




Participants engrossed in Micheal and Franziska’s narrative.



An unexpected architectural gem in the accessible toilets!


Helen Shaddock’s suggestions for walking

Using the beautiful glass atrium space housing ground floor lift entrance to the Hatton, Helen recited her list of instructions / suggestions for making every day journeys on foot just that little bit different. Though it was a simple list of words this piece was poetic and deeply resonant with the ethos of The Art of Straying project.

Helen distributed her list amongst the event participants for use at a later date.


Exhibition opening at XL Gallery, Fine Art Dept

The XL Gallery, former library space located to the left of the fine art shop in the Hatton entrance way, is hosting a very interesting new exhibition opening the Thursday (8th Jan)  5 – 7 pm and running until the end of the month.

Click on the link below to find out more about Matthew Flintham’s work.