Data Analytics work placement with PwC – Birmingham and London, 2015

We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about a brand new work placement we have launched this year within our Technology practice.

If you’re currently studying a Data Analytics degree and due to graduate next summer, or looking for a work placement for your sandwich-year, then our Data Analytics work placement is the perfect opportunity.  With opportunities for both undergraduates and graduates to join us, this 11 month work placement will provide an insight into what we do with Data. You can apply to either our Birmingham or London office.

Note: some clarification on degree topic: we do ask that students have some experience in Data Analytics or Big Data ideally, however we are open to considering Computer Science students also who show that they have an appreciation of this field or are going on to study it.

What we do

In the last few years, ‘Big Data’ and ‘Analytics’ have appeared as top priority issues for executives. We’re helping our clients rise to the challenge of analysing big and complex data sets with agility, trust and a customer-centric focus. We’ve learnt that data analytics only has the power to transform an organisation when the technical disciplines of data collection, cleansing, algorithm building and visualisation, are combined with deep industry knowledge and understanding.

What you’ll do

Our work placement gives you an opportunity to delve deep into our Data Analytics practice.  You’ll take part in a number of training programmes targeted to develop both your technical and commercial skills. These courses will include training in specific sectors while also gaining experience working closely with our clients.

Who we’re looking for

  • Current undergraduates looking for a placement as part of their degree.
  • Final year students looking for a work placement once they graduate or recent graduates.
  • We’ll also consider those with a Master’s degree looking for a work placement.
  • All applicants must have, or be studying towards a Data Analytics degree at University or at post-graduate level, and have a 280 UCAS tariff (or equivalent) and be on course for or have achieved a 2.1 in their degree.

We know that the skills and experiences you develop with us will stay with you throughout your career. So join PwC. We’ll help you reach your full potential.

Take the opportunity of a lifetime.


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