Interested in working in China?

China Career Gateway starts next Monday 19th October. This annual career development programme is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of the UK and Chinese labour markets and help you understand how to make effective job applications in both countries. Last year, over 300 individual students participated in the programme, with 98% of survey respondents recommending the programme to a friend.   

This year, the programme will be moving online and will be delivered as a 5-week Canvas course. The majority of content will be asynchronous, for you to work through at a convenient time, with new content being released every Monday from 19 October. 

The programme is open to all UG and PG students from China including PGRs, as well as other students with an interest in working in China post-graduation. While you are encouraged to participate in the full programme, you are also welcome to engage in content which is of most relevance to you.

You can view further information about the programme here.  

You can also sign up to participate in the programme directly in Canvas

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