Returning from a year in industry with a company that specialise in artificial intelligence technology, we asked Joe what a typical Friday would look like during his remote placement.
8:30 am
As I was working remotely, a perk was having no commute time. This allowed me to get up at 8:30am and get ready for the work day starting at 9am.
9:00 am
At 9am, I would start work for the day and log on to Slack. I would continue working where I left off the previous day, which was usually continuing with an existing project. This could be a smaller project, such as benchmarking new libraries or open-source projects to compare with our existing projects. Alternatively, this could be a larger project which I would plan, develop and test, sometimes alongside the post-graduate student who joined the company at the same time.
11:00 am
After this, I would take a short break, where I would catch up with messages in the Slack chat. People would often post interesting articles related to work, which I would read at this time, or have general chat with coworkers about our current projects.
I would also have a listen to our work Spotify playlist and see if there were any new songs added.
11:30 am
At this time, I would have a weekly meeting with my line manager. During this, we would discuss my progress on my current projects and future plans for next week. On some projects, this would not be a one-on-one meeting and instead, a team progress meeting, typically with 3-4 people.
12:00 pm
I would usually take my lunch break at this time. However, it was flexible, so I could take it when it best fit my work schedule. I could also extend my lunch break, to go on a walk for example, and then work longer at the end of the day. Usually I would not do this on a Friday as I finish early anyway.
1:00 pm
After lunch, I would continue work for a few more hours. As these were my most productive hours, I would often focus on tasks such as the writing of formal documentation and presentations slides for clients. If not needed, I would just continue with my coding.
I also aimed to finish at a point where it would be easier to continue from later, such as completing a certain functionality. I would then write myself a quick note about my progression so I did not forget over the weekend. If I still had time to spare, I would then focus on cleaning up and commenting my code.
2:00 pm
At this time, I would have a meeting with my post-graduate coworker. We would catch up and discuss our progression with our projects and help each other with any problems we had encountered. Normally we would do this twice a week, often on a Friday as our work was winding down for the weekend.
3:00 pm
On a Friday afternoon, we would have a full company casual meeting. As there were 8 people in the company, we would each discuss interesting aspects of our work from that week, such as new progress and challenges overcome. We would also discuss more casual topics, such as our plans for the weekend and other general chat.
4:00 pm
On a Friday, we had an early finish for the weekend!
If you are interested in hearing more about Joe’s placement and how he found it, there is a separate blog post here.