Please see below for details of upcoming seminars from the UK Games Industry taking place in the Urban Science Building. Talks are free and open to all students.
Industry talks will start at 13:00 for around 40 minutes, with informal chats and feedback in the Game Lab (4:015) afterwards. Please be punctual and do not take photos.
- Tuesday 28th Jan 13:00 USB 2:022: Coconut Lizard
- Coconut Lizard are a games technology company based in Gateshead mostly working on Unreal Engine related technology
- They regularly hire from the school, applications close at the end of January and
- Wednesday 29th Jan 13:00 USB 4:015 Game Lab: Nvidia
- Phil Scott from Nvidia talking about advances in graphical rendering using AI
- Thursday 30th January 13:00 USB G:003: Sumo Digital
- “Tips and hints to be a successful programmer” by Richard Smith
- Sumo Digital have a studio here in Gateshead
More talks to be announced.