Careers Service – Stay tuned with social media

As well as the Computing Science resources, the Careers Service has an extensive list of social media resources:

Source: What’s new? – Careers Service – Newcastle University. Originally published on: 24th September 2015

Welcome new and returning students

Once again it’s the start of a new academic year. If you’re a student in Computing Science at Newcastle University thinking about graduate employment and work experience, including placements, we hope to provide you with some useful resources to help you with your job search.

This blog (csatncljobs) has, for the past couple of years, hosted opportunities for placement and graduate  jobs together with links to other information provided by the University Careers Service. We’re now changing things a little so that there is less repetition of information: the Careers Service Vacancies Online system is the main repository for all job opportunities. The csatncljobs blog now includes an RSS feed for all IT related jobs, and another RSS feed specifically for IT related placements.

We’ll be using the blog to draw your attention to some specific opportunities, fast approaching deadlines, events, news and anything else relating to employability.

Very best wishes for the year ahead, and please let us know of anything else you’d like to see included in these pages.

New home for Computing Science Jobs and Placements

For the past couple of years we’ve used the news site hosted at to look after adverts for jobs and placements. We’re moving onto this WordPress blog to allow for a wider range of information to be posted, including application guidance, related articles from elsewhere and information on relevant events on campus and further afield.

We’ll use categories and keywords to identify the job / placement adverts. Comments are welcome – you’ll need to be a registered member of the University in order to make comments.