Interested in an internship or placement abroad?

Fancy earning money, travelling AND kick-starting your career?

Managed by the British Council in the UK, IAESTE offers work placements specifically for UK resident science,   engineering and technology students.  Applications for industry placements starting in summer 2018 are now Open!

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With IAESTE, you can do a paid industry placement lasting from 6 to 52 weeks in one of 80 countries worldwide. Placements are also available in the UK for international students.

Visit ‘Global Work Experience’ on the Careers Service website for further details of this and other organisations offering paid and unpaid placements for students and graduates around the world.

Cybersecurity competition: Bank of England

Our technology competition

Every year we run our technology competition where we ask students aged 16+ to tell us how they would use technology to make a positive difference to society.

In previous years, we’ve asked you to think about how technologies such as blockchain and machine learning can be used for the greater good.

This year, we’ll be asking you to think about cyber security.

See for more details.


IT’s not just for the boys

Apply now to fast track your career, meet global employers and inspirational women, and build your CV, confidence and contacts.

This is a one day exclusive networking and skills event aimed at women with a passion and drive for technology. Throughout the day recruiters will run unique interactive sessions on key skills, an insight into application techniques and a comprehensive outline of career opportunities in the sector. There will also be plenty of opportunities to network with trainees currently on graduate schemes, and senior female representatives from within each company.

Visit today to fast track your career!

Software Developer Internship @ Wuha (Lyon, France)

  • Wuha is a French start-up building the search engine for private information. Businesses use our product to find internal information from any source (file systems, Google Drive, E-mail), and to have those search results shown in Google alongside public results.
  • We are looking for interns to help our engineering team in building a better and more engaging product. Wuha isn’t just a search engine, it’s also a product that we offer directly to our users. A product that needs to speak to people of different backgrounds and technical abilities is a great challenge, and it’s what differentiates us from our competitors.

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