STFC industrial placement positions

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is one of Europe’s largest science research organisations. We’re trusted to support, enable and undertake pioneering projects in an amazing diversity of fields. Through world-class facilities and people, we’re driving ground-breaking advances in science and technology.

Each year we offer opportunities to undergraduate sandwich students to gain practical experience, working alongside technical experts at the forefront of scientific research. We offer an invaluable experience with exposure to world class science and technology and the opportunity to develop working relationships that continue well after your placement has finished.

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Placements at Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

Sandwich Student opportunities

STFC AlmaExperience more on your sandwich placement…

Experience the unknown. 

Work with brilliant minds on world leading science and technology projects and support ground-breaking research that will inspire, shape and define our future.

STFC (Science & Technology Facilities Council) – Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire and Polaris House in Swindon

A world-class organisation

One of Europe’s largest multidisciplinary research organisations, we share our knowledge and work with scientists, engineers and organisations around the globe. Bringing strategic leadership and an integrated approach to UK investments, we’re made up of a diverse group of multi-site organisations and are based in large national and international research facilities.
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Funded PhD Places in the Computer Science of Parallelism at Edinburgh

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Pervasive Parallelism (Funded PhD Places)

The EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Pervasive Parallelism at the University of Edinburgh is pleased to offer 10 fully funded four-year studentships across all areas relevant to the “pervasive parallelism challenge”. Students undertake an initial MSc by Research year, followed by three years of PhD study.

Research Topics in Pervasive Parallelism

The computing industry faces its most disruptive challenge for fifty years. For performance and energy reasons, parallelism permeates all layers of the computing infrastructure, from the manycore CPUs and GPGPUs inside smartphones up to supercomputers and globally networked distributed systems. These systems generate fascinating research challenges in many areas of Computer Science, from theory to practice.

* How should we design parallel programming languages and compilers?

* How should we design and implement parallel architectures and communication networks?

* What theories do we need to prove properties of such systems, or to model and reason about their performance?

* How can concurrent and distributed systems be made secure?

* How can we trade performance for energy in context sensitive ways?

* How can we make algorithms and applications robust against the failures inevitable in exascale systems?

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