Following the success of last year’s event celebrating Disability History Month, we’re doing the same thing again, and we welcome you to attend!
This year, our question is “What is neurodiversity?”. It’s a term that has exploded in usage lately, but what does it mean? Is it a helpful term, or does it group too many disparate things together?
What is the event?
We’ll set up a stand outside the Courtyard Café.
We’ll ask anyone who passes by to answer the question ‘What is neurodiversity?’. We’ll also use the opportunity to promote disability support for staff and students, and raise awareness of the DIG network.
You can come to talk to us about disability support at Newcastle, share your experiences, or find out about the work of the Disability Interest Group.
When and where?
The event will take place in the ground floor area next to the Courtyard Café on campus from 11am-1pm on Wednesday November 27th, 2024.
All attendees will be offered a £1 voucher to use in the café and a free fidget toy to take away.
The DIG are keen to promote disability understanding and support on campus and have a conversation about disability and the variety of ways this can present and be experienced.
We are promoting awareness of the DIG network, whose membership is comprised of those with and without declared disabilities and all people who are allied to disability inclusion are welcome!
Please come to the location of the event during the times stated, or take part online.
You can give your answer on our whiteboard outside the courtyard café, or send a message to the DIG mailing list where we’ll continue the conversation once the in-person event is over.
The courtyard café is on the ground floor of the Research Beehive in the Old Library Building, at the top of the quadrangle and opposite Merz Court and the Percy Building.
We’ll be in the stairwell area just outside the entrance to the café, between 11:00 and 13:00 on Wednesday, 27th November.
Directions to the courtyard café.
The DIG will use the responses to create a blog post and will reflect on findings at a future DIG meeting.
You are welcome to ask any questions by attending the event or emailing
The event is on a ground-floor location with access to the general public.
It is building 25 on the campus map and the North door, facing Merz Court, is the closest to the event location.
The Courtyard lobby area is through double doors on your left as you enter from the North entrance.

Toilets are nearby, to the right as you enter from the North entrance.
We will display written and visual information supported by team members who can talk with you about it.
For the talking-point (provocation question), you can write your suggestions or dictate them to a team member.
Sadly, we do not have funding for BSL or other interpreters.
Please let us know if you have any other accessibility questions or needs for adjustments on
We may ask if you are happy to be photographed attending the event, for publicity (internal or external) purposes. No photographs will be used without permission.
We may ask if you are happy to give an attributed quote for the blog piece. Otherwise we may edit and publish some (edited) answers that are non-identifiable.
We will take an estimate count of attendees.