So cold the coring equipment froze

Today we tried out the gravity corer but in -12C and windy conditions (as well as wet from the lake water) the coring equipment froze as soon as it came out of the lake. Likewise our gloves froze as soon as we took our hands out of the water. And, if we were unlucky, then the equipment and our gloves froze together. So we finally had to admit defeat and return to base to thaw the equipment out. Such is the challenge of lake coring in -12C.

Today was Dirk’s last day – so he had his second (this time “real”) leaving party (the first became his welcome back party almost a week ago). Dirk is off to Punta Arenas via Rothera and the Falkland islands, aboard a BAS Dash-7. We will miss him, especially Steve and I as he has been with us since our field expedition began almost a month ago and it will feel strange with him no longer one of our team.

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