Making connections within Dental Educational Research globally

IADR 2016A number of academics from Newcastle Dental School recently attended the International  Association for Dental Research (IADR) conference in Seoul, Korea, giving us the opportunity to  network with dental academics from around the world.  A particularly inspiring part of the conference was our engagement with the Education Research Group of IADR, who are leading dental education research globally.  Attendance at their lectures was both inspiring, but also encouraging to see how advanced we are in this field.  James Field, Richard Holmes and myself attended their business meeting and are likely to become engaged with the organisation of next years meeting in San Francisco.  It was fantastic to see Newcastle so well represented at this meeting and our ideas and enthusiasm for dental education so welcomed and encouraged by peers across the globe.

Dr Sarah Rolland

Photo L-R: James Field, Sarah Rolland, Angus Walls, Rebecca Wassell,Richard Homes

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