Higher Education Symposium Series 2017 presentation

bana-abdulmohsenExploring active learning approaches to increasing student engagement through assessment and feedback

I was pleased to have the opportunity to present a case study at the Higher Education Academy event: Transforming Assessment in Higher Education Symposium Series 2017- Enhancing student engagement through assessment, in York last month.

At this event, we presented the results of a case study on the teaching of tooth morphology to BDS and BSC undergraduate students in the Dental School. The aim of the study was to increase student engagement with the learning of this important but difficult topic through the introduction of a novel approach involving the use of tooth carving. An active learning approach was developed employing the principles of transformative assessment using the Framework developed by the Higher Education Academy.

In our pilot study, we were aiming to foster an increase in student interest in the subject content through the more active engagement that is generated by getting student to both carve their own models of a tooth and then assess the accuracy of those models through self-, peer and tutor assessment.

The presentation was well received and followed by a useful discussion about the outcome.

Many thanks for the ERDP grant (to fund my training), Newcastle Dental Staff and Students who helped/ participated in this project.

Bana Abdulmohsen, School of Dental Sciences

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