Congratulations to everyone in the Faculty who has published their research this quarter.
Journal Articles
Bateman H, Ellis J, Stewart J, McCracken G (2017), Using learning outcomes in dental education. British Dental Journal.
Sarah Barnfield, Alison Clara Pitts, Raj Kalaria, Louise Allan and Ellen Tullo (2017), Is all the stuff about neurons necessary?. Research Involvement and Engagement.
Hardisty J, Guilding C, Statham L, J Matthan, Randles E, Green A, Bhudia R, Thandi C, Scott L (2017), Are students accepting of an all-day interprofessional learning conference on antimicrobial stewardship and patient safety?. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice.
Holliday R, Amin K, Lawrence V, Preshaw PM (2017), Tobacco education in UK dental schools: A survey of current practice. European Journal of Dental Education
Keenan ID, Hutchinson J, Bell K (2017), Twelve tips for implementing artistic learning approaches in anatomy education. MedEd Publish.
Kehoe A, Illing J (2017), Early Clinical exposure requires facilitated access to support learning Medical Education. Medical Education .
McGeown SP, Putwain D, St Clair-Thompson H, Clough P (2017), Understanding and supporting adolescents’ mental toughness in an educational context. Psychology in the Schools.
McHanwell, S, Patten, D (2017), Exploring strategies in teaching in cross-sectional anatomy: can improved teaching compensate for poor spatial ability? Journal of Anatomy, 230(2), 355.
Nazar H, Obara I, Paterson A, Nazar Z, Portlock JC, Husband AK (2017), A consensus approach to investigate undergraduate pharmacy students’ experience of interprofessional education. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education .
Smith CF, Stokholm C, Sinha R, Poinkwer F, Carter M, Birch M (2017), Interplays of psychometric abilities on learning gross anatomy.. MedEd Publish.
St Clair-Thompson H, Giles R, McGeown S, Putwain D, Clough P, Perry J (2017), Mental toughness and transitions to high school and to undergraduate study. Educational Psychology.
Teodorczuk A, Yardley S, Patel R, Worley P, Hirsch D, Illing J (2017), Medical education research should extend further into clinical practice. Medical Education.
Vance GHS, Burford B, Shapiro E, Price R (2017), Longitudinal evaluation of a pilot e-portfolio-based supervision programme for final year medical students: views of students, supervisors and new graduates. BMC Medical Education.
Book Chapter
Illing J, Carter M (2017), Philosophical research perspectives and planning your research. In Understanding Medical Education. Eds. Swanwick, O’Brien and Forest Wiley Blackwell.
Text Book
Atkinson M. and McHanwell, S (2017). Basic Medical Science for Speech and Language Therapy Students. Revised 2nd Edition. J&R Publishers ( forthcoming November 2017)
Patterson, J. and McHanwell, S. (2017). The physiology of swallowing. In Scott-Brown’s Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 8th Edition, Paleri, V. et al eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor and Francis.
Conference Proceedings
Delgaty L (2017), If story telling is central to human meaning, why, in the research world, is there not more story telling?. ASME.
Hennessy C, Keenan ID, Border S (2017), Anatomy of a tweet: how to use social media as anacademic tool. Anatomical Society Summer Meeting at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Keenan ID, Backhouse M, Fitzpatrick M, Hutchinson J, Thandi CS (2017), Improvements in anatomy knowledge when using a novel cyclical artistic learning process. Anatomical Society Summer Meeting at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Keenan ID, Border S, Hennessy C (2017), Live tweeting at Anatomical Society Conferences: A shorthistory of its rise and impact. Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2016.
Keenan ID, Shapiro L (2017), Teaching anatomists to draw: observational drawing as aneducational approach. Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2016.
Keenan ID, Solim ZN, Quigg S, Kerwin J, Lindsay S (2017), Enhancing student learning of human embryology with aprototype e-learning resource. Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2016. URL
Munjal I, Thomson R, Goff I, Fisher J, Stewart J (2017), ‘Great idea’, ‘sounds scary’, ‘I’m too busy’; Identifying the barriers in developing a staff peer observation programme. Diversity in Medical Education: about people, for people, by people.
Smith C, Finn G, Hennessy C, Stewart J, McHanwell S (2017), Creating and evaluating the impact of a core syllabus in anatomy education using a Delphi methodology. Diversity in medical education: about people, for people, by people.
Woods E, Thomson R, Fisher J, Stewart J (2017), Revolutionising feedback: an exploration of barriers and drivers to change. Diversity in medical education: about people, for people, by people.
Young TJ, Tullo ET, Schartner A (2017), Person-Centred communication and the care of people with dementia: exploring the perspectives of medical students in the UK and Malaysia.. 17th Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.
Keenan ID, Jennings BA (2017), Concluding Commentary. Life Sciences in an Integrated Medical Curriculum: Continuing the Conversation. MedEdPublish.
Burford B, Alberti H, Kennedy D (2017), Early career intentions of medical students: are we selecting the graduates we need for the 21st century?. Education for Primary Care.
Illing J, Corbett S, Kehoe A, Hesselgreaves H, Crampton P, Sawdon M, Medford W, Finn G, Tiffin P (2017), How does the education and training of health and social care staff lead to patient benefit: a realist synthesis Report for Department of Health.
Li K, Kui C, Lee E, Ho C, Wong S, Wu W, Wong W, Voll J, Li G, Liu T, Yan B, Chan J, Tse G, Keenan ID (2017), The role of 3D printing in anatomy education and surgical training: A narrative review.. MedEdPublish.