Publications Autumn 2018

Congratulations to everyone in the Faculty who has published their research this quarter. If anything is missing let us know.


Anyiam O, Ware V, McKenna M, Hanley J, Junior doctor teaching delivered by near peers. Clinical Teacher.


Guilding C, Hardisty J, Randles E, Statham L, Green A, Bhudia R, Thandi CS, Matthan J, Making it work: the feasibility and logistics of delivering large-scale interprofessional education to undergraduate healthcare students in a conference format. Journal of Interprofessional Care.


Hester KLM, Newton J, Rapley T, Ryan V, De Soyza A, Information and education provision in bronchiectasis: co-development and evaluation of a novel patient-driven resource in a digital era. European Respiratory Journal.


McGeown S, St Clair-Thompson H, Putwain DW, The Development and Validation of a Mental Toughness Scale for Adolescents. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment .


Steven A, Larkin V, Stewart J, Bateman B, The value of continuing professional development: a realistic evaluation of a multi-disciplinary workshop for Health Visitors dealing with children with complex need. Nurse Education Today.


Claire F. Smith, Gabrielle M. Finn, Catherine Hennessy, Ciara Luscombe, Jane Stewart, Stephen McHanwell, The initial impact of the Anatomical Society gross anatomy core syllabus for medicine in the United Kingdom: Student and staff perspectives. . Anatomical Sciences Education, in the press.


Guilding C, Hardisty J, Statham L, Randles E, Green A, Scott L, Bhudia R, Thandi C and J Matthan, Making it work: The feasibility and logistics of delivering large-scale interprofessional education to undergraduate healthcare students in a conference format. . Journal of Interprofessional Care.


Book Chapter

Patterson, J. and McHanwell, S, The physiology of swallowing.. Scott Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Eighth Edition. Edited by JC Watkinson and RW Clarke. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group)..


Matthan J & V Paleri., Chapter 47: Anatomy of the Pharynx and Oesophagus. . Scott Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Eighth Edition. Edited by JC Watkinson and RW Clarke. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group)..



McHanwell, S and Robson, S., Guiding Principles for Teaching Promotions. . York: Higher Education Academy will be available at AHE website in the near future.



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