Physiology Friday

As part of the annual celebration of Physiology Friday, Dr’s Alison Howard and Michéle Sweeney introduced an educational opportunity for third year BSc Physiological Sciences students to obtain experience in outreach and engagement activities.  Students attended a bespoke training session covering aspects of health and safety, information and advice on explaining some of the physiology research that takes place in the University, and guidance on discussing use of animals in research.

Over 90% of our students volunteered to be involved for at least two hours on the day.  Five students visited Cardinal Hume School, Gateshead, running two interactive sessions on cardiovascular physiology and a careers information session.  In the Great North Museum: Hancock, students used anatomical models and physiological recording equipment to interact with members of the public, of all ages, and visiting primary school parties.  At the stand in the medical school foyer, anatomical models and student produced posters describing their research experiences attracted a more knowledgeable audience of staff and students from across the Faculty degree programmes.  This experience had a positive impact on all student volunteers, who reported finding it both enjoyable and confidence boosting, and engendered a greater feeling of affinity with their degree course.


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