Conference presentation: ASME 2018

The ASME (Association for the Study of Medical Education) Annual Scientific Meeting was held at the Sage Gateshead between 11th and 13th July.

There was a packed programme which offered a diversity of formats and content.  This enabled attendees to get exposure to a wide variety of medical education topics, but also allowed tailoring of the meeting to specific interests.  The programme included thought-provoking and inspiring Keynote presentations, parallel sessions, poster presentations, Special Interest Group sessions and Pop-up events.

I delivered an oral presentation entitled ‘Delivering to ‘that list’: The challenges of working with Learning Outcomes’.  It was a valuable and enjoyable opportunity, with an audience (a crowded room) which was both supportive and knowledgeable.

Funding from the School of Dental Science’s Helen Tonge Award supported my attendance at this conference.  Overall it was a brilliant conference, great venue and a fantastic opportunity to network!

Heidi Bateman, School of Dental Sciences

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