What are people searching for within…?

Yesterday I posted a link to Answer the Public, and today’s tool is quite similar but at the same time can be used for very different purposes.

It’s called Soovle and is another research tool that focuses exclusively on showing the Top 10 general searches that people do for a term.

The results come from multiple search engines, but all of them are only within certain websites, including Ebay, Netflix, The Weather Channel and Wikipedia.

So, it is very useful if you want to know what people search for, when looking for something. For example, if you are searching for a heater, you might go to ebay and search for used heaters, electric heaters, heaters from an specific brand, heaters that are white, heaters that go to a certain temperature or have certain features, etc, etc, etc!

Google wouldn’t necessarily know this kind of info, but Soovle helps you figure that out! Check it out at http://soovle.com/

Answer the public

An incredible useful tool for marketers, aspiring entrepreneurs, researchers (or anyone who is curious in general, really) wishing to explore what kind of questions people are typing on Google and Bing for an specific topic or keyword.

It is great for market research and insights that can inform anything from idea generation through to customer service!


Alex Conwan on Venture Design

Alex Conwan's Venture Design Process
  Venture Design Process, Copyright © 2016 Alex Cowan

If applying entrepreneurial theory to real life problems was a super power, Alex Conwan would definitely be a hero. He teaches at UVA Darden’s MBA and is the mastermind behind a free MOOC on Coursera but is not an academic in the traditional strict sense of the word.

What he is, is more akin to a kind of wizard that gathers ingredients from all over and mixes them in his magical cauldron of awesomeness to produce potions that help you create or grow your business.

He has come up with a framework called “Venture Design”, that combines all (my favourite) the best entrepreneurial theories out there (i.e. Lean Start-up, value proposition Design, etc.), with research methods from design thinking and ethnography and transforms them into an incredibly practical set of highly applicable processes, templates and tools that create a clear path for the confused entrepreneur to follow (or any kind of entrepreneur, really).

I’m rubbish at explaining it and super biased because I feel truly inspired by his work, but you can judge by yourselves here: http://www.alexandercowan.com/

IP protection videos from IPO

IPO has gone and done it again.

They have created a series of 12 fantastic videos (and the corresponding YouTube playlist) for you to learn everything about IP and how to protect it.

They’re very short and fairly entertaining animated clips, so I promise you  can binge on them and won’t fall asleep midway through.

You can see the full playlist (and maybe even subscribe to the channel) here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLij_WrWeezY8lmE7_m35m_LxPm2H3bta0