Our stage 1 students have worked to answer a question on a topic of current interest linked to Sustainable Development Goals, having worked as a group, without meeting their group mates, and never having set foot in a lecture theatre or computer lab.
I am so proud of them. Each degree program produced at least one excellent poster – I have chosen from 4 of our degrees – Food Business, Marketing and Management narrowly missed my inclusion of their sugar reformulation poster
This first one from Countryside Management students is obviously on a topic close to my heart, though I had nothing to do with the learning or the choice of topic. I was not just impressed with how much relevantinformation they managed to cram into a small space, without really compormising on clarity. They cleverly chose the colour of Sphagnum austinii (almost) for their colour scheme and of course I liked the slightly daring pun in the title.When I read the introduction to this poster from our Applied Plant Science students I groaned as I thought, this topic is far too big for a small poster, but then, as I started to read, I realised they had proved me wrong. A very nice poster summarising how plants could help meet some of the SDGs. This was my favourite from the Agri-Business Management students because they convey so much information so clearly – and because it is brilliant to see our young farming community recognising the pressing need to alternatives to chemical pesticides.I found it more difficult to choose between the Environmental Science Posters on impacts of Covid, and the nice one about solutions to the impact of wind turbines on birds and bats, but decided on this because of its clear layout and nice use of images . And I sort of like the bright colours – it is Christmas at the time of posting, after all. I think it would have been wrong to have not had a Covid poster…I just spotted the spelling mistake Shhhh!