Pilot phase underway: time to register your projects for access

The Rocket HPC service now has its first pilot users registered on the system and starting to run jobs. Some issues have already come to light and we are working to resolve those. Our thanks go to the pilots for working with us on this.

The pilot phase is intended to be fairly brief and aims to assess the system’s performance as well as unearthing issues. We then expect to start widening access towards the end of the month. To help us plan for this, you may now register projects for the HPC service at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/itservice/research/hpc/hpcregistration/

Registering now will let you tell us about your needs (e.g. for software applications) so that we can plan the work we need to do, and will help speed your access onto the system.

As always, please keep an eye on the HPC web pages at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/itservice/research/hpc for information about the service and how to use it, and get in touch if you have any queries or feedback.

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