A Multi-Institutional Longitudinal Faculty Development Program in Humanism – Journal Club, 8 November

Dear colleagues

The next FMS Learning and Teaching Journal Club will be held 1-2pm on Thursday 8 November 2018 in room L2.3, 2nd floor Leech building – please note change from usual location, future Journal Club events will be back in the Ridley 2 seminar rooms

A sandwich lunch will be provided, and the below paper (attached) will be presented by Richard Thomson, followed by discussion. If you would like to attend this event please register in advance here

Branch, WT, Frankel, RM, Hafler, JP, Weil, AB, Gilligan, MC, Litzelman, DK, Plews-Organ, M, Ridler, EA, Osterburg, LG, Dunne, D, May, NB and Derse, AR (2017) A Multi-Institutional Longitudinal Faculty Development Program in Humanism Supports the Professional Development of Faculty Teachers. Academic Medicine 92:12, 1681-1686

The FMS Journal Club meets monthly to discuss education related papers. Meetings are held on Thursdays and Fridays from 1-2pm, in the first week of each month. Everyone is welcome but for catering purposes we request that you register for each session in advance as a light lunch is provided.  If you have any queries about registering please contact sarah.carey@ncl.ac.uk , for queries about the Journal Club itself please contact luisa.wakeling@ncl.ac.uk

Journal Club dates (all 1-2pm) and speakers for the rest of 2018/19 for your diary are:

  • Friday 7 December 2018 – Ruth Valentine
  • Thursday 10 January 2019 – Stephen McHanwell
  • Friday 8 February 2019 – Helen Mather
  • Thursday 7 March 2019 – Kenny McKeegan
  • Friday 5 April 2019 – Ellen Tullo & Luisa Wakeling
  • Thursday 2 May 2019 – Alison Clapp
  • Friday 7 June 2019 – Vanessa Armstrong
  • Thursday 4 July 2019 – Alessio Iannetti

Details of the location and paper, along with a link for registration will be circulated in advance of each event. Further information, including past papers can be found on the Journal Club webpage


FMS Learning & Teaching Forum: An Outward Looking Faculty – 5 December 2018

Dear Colleagues

The next Faculty Learning & Teaching Forum will be held 3-5pm on Wednesday 5 December 2018 in Lecture Theatre D, Dental School.

The recent external review of faculty recommended that teaching in FMS would benefit from being more outward looking, seeking opportunities to collaborate across the University and with partners further afield.  We are therefore using this Learning & Teaching Form to showcase current examples of good practice.  The focus of our Faculty Executive Committee half away day (to be held on Wednesday 16 January 2019) will follow up on these exemplars and focus on how we can expand and create more opportunities.

To confirm your attendance at the Forum on 5 December 2018, please complete this short form.

Please feel free to forward this email to interested colleagues; a schedule giving further details is attached.

181205 FEC Forum

Learning & Teaching Events & Opportunities – inc. Journal Club & ERDP Grants, Seminars and Workshops

Here is your monthly listing of learning and teaching events and opportunities within the Faculty and beyond. This email is where you’ll be able to find information on events such as the Journal Club, Faculty Learning and Teaching Forums and ERDP Network seminars plus other events we think may be of interest. Please see attached relevant documents.

Faculty Learning and Teaching Events & Opportunities

Journal Club:

  • November’s Journal Club will be hosted by Richard Thomson from the School of Medical Education. A paper will be presented followed by discussion and lunch will be provided. 1-2pm, Thursday 8 November 2018 in room L2.3, 2nd floor Leech building, lunch provided.
  • Link to the Journal Club webpage, where you can find the paper for discussion (when available) a link to sign up and details of past and future Journal Club events.
  • Future dates, locations and speakers for Journal Club are listed at the end of this email.

ERDP Seminars & Workshops:

  • Seminar – ‘How does the education and training of health and social care staff transfer to practice and benefit patients? A realist approach.’ Presented by Prof Jan Illing, Professor of Medical Education Research, Newcastle University. Flyer attached (1) sign up here. 1-2pm, Tuesday 30 October 2018, room L2.4, 2nd floor Leech building.
  • Workshop – ‘The use and abuse of student voice.’ Presented by Stella Jones-Devitt, Head of Research & Evaluation, Sheffield Hallam University and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Flyer attached (2) sign up here. 1-4pm, Wednesday 7 November 2018, room 1.57, Ridley building 2
  • Seminar – ‘Does disadvantage continue? Examining the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and postgraduate training and selection outcomes.’ Presented by Prof Jennifer Cleland, Chair of Medical Education, University of Aberdeen. Flyer attached (3) sign up here. 1-2pm, Tuesday 20 November 2018, room L2.4, 2nd floor Leech building.
  • Link to the ERDP Seminar Series webpage, where you can find all flyers and registration links as well as details of past and future ERDP events.

ERDP Development Grants

  • ERDP Development Grants are available again for 2018/19. These grants are designed to offer financial support to staff who want to explore innovative approaches to learning and teaching that have the potential to inform curriculum development, provide an opportunity for personal development and will benefit staff and students both here and, through dissemination at conferences, nationally.
  • Applications can be submitted to educational.research@ncl.ac.uk at any time. Shortly after each quarterly deadline the panel will meet to consider the applications. Applications may be considered out of time if the circumstances are time sensitive.
  • Go to the Development Grants web page for a copy of the application form and guidance notes, also attached (4 & 5)
  • Submission deadlines are: Friday 7 December 2018, Friday 8 March 2019, Friday 7 June 2019 and Friday 6 September 2019.

Other Learning and Teaching Events & Opportunities

Newcastle Educators & Edubites

  • Newcastle Educators is a peer-led network of educators, who get together and discuss common interests, share practice and are committed to continued professional development. They have a series of lunch-time events, open to all staff interested in teaching, see flyer attached (6).
  • Their blog can be found at https://ncleducators.wordpress.com where they share experiences of learning and teaching. They very much welcome guest posts so if there is anything you would like to share please contact them directly. They tweet regularly @NewcastleEduca1 and have a mailing list you can sign up to at bit.ly/JoinNewcastleEducators if you would like to receive communications directly from them.
  • If you have any queries regarding Newcastle Educators, please contact educators@ncl.ac.uk
  • The next Edubites session is 1-2pm, Wednesday 7 November2018 in 1.26, King’s Gate, presented by Gayle Leach, on the topic of ‘What Educators need to Deliver Excellence’

University Education Development Fund

  • The new University Education Development Fund supports staff to undertake projects with real benefit to students’ education at Newcastle University. For the 2018-19 academic year, this new fund replaces the Innovation Fund – providing funding of up to £10,000. Chaired by the PVC Education Prof Suzanne Cholerton, this fund support projects which further the aims and key themes of the Education Strategy.
  • Application deadlines for 2018-19 are Friday 16 November 2018 (Semester 1) and Wednesday 15 May 2019 (Semester 2). Full information and guidance notes can be found on the LTDS website.
  • If you’re interested in finding out more about how to make an application and hearing from successful project teams there will be webinars 12-12:20pm, 25 October 2018 and 4:30-4:50pm, 20 March 2019 (book here) and a workshop 12-1pm, 25 March 2019 (book here)

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

  • The University process to determine the institutional nominees to the 2019 NTFS and CATE scheme is underway.
  • Nominations to the NTFS are welcomed from all members of staff who feel their work has a major, positive impact on student teaching and learning. Full application details are available on the LTDS website.
  • Nominations to the CATE are welcomed from teams who feel their collaborative work has a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning. Full application details are also available on the LTDS website.
  • Nominations for either scheme should be sent electronically to ltds@ncl.ac.uk by 12noon, Friday 9 November 2018. Get in touch using the same email for further information or support.

Upcoming dates for your diary – details to follow in future mailings

  • 3-5pm, Wednesday 5 December 2018, Dental Lecture Theatre D – Faculty Learning and Teaching Forum
  • 1-2pm, Friday 7 December 2018, room 1.55, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Ruth Valentine, School of Dental Sciences
  • 5pm, Friday 7 December
  • 1-2pm, Thursday 10 January 2019, room 1.48, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Stephen McHanwell, School of Medical Education
  • 1-2pm, Friday 8 February 2019, room 1.48, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Helen Mather, School of Dental Sciences
  • 1-2pm, Thursday 7 March 2019, room 1.55, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Kenny McKeegan, School of Medical Education
  • Wednesday 3 April 2019, location TBC – Newcastle University’s Learning and Teaching Conference 2018
  • 1-2pm, Friday 5 April 2019, room 1.48, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Ellen Tullo, School of Biomedical Sciences & Luisa Wakeling, School of Dental Sciences
  • 1-2pm, Thursday 2 May 2019, room 1.48, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Alison Clapp, Graduate School
  • 1-2pm, Friday 7 June 2019, room 1.58, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Vanessa Armstrong, School of Biomedical Sciences
  • 1-2pm, Thursday 4 July 2019, room 1.48, Ridley building 2 – Journal Club, paper TBC, Alessio Iannetti, School of Pharmacy
  • 3-5pm, Wednesday 6 March 2019, location TBC – Faculty Learning and Teaching Forum

You are receiving this email because you are a member of the Faculty Learning and Teaching Events mailing list. If you would like to be removed from this list please contact fms.educational.research@ncl.ac.uk . If you are aware of any members of staff who may be interested in receiving these mailings who aren’t currently on the list they can also email fms.educational.research@ncl.ac.uk to be added.

5 ERDP DGrants guidelines
NU_TWAM Hatton Gallery Exhibitions Call+Application_Final for Circulation_11_Oct_18
4 ERDP DGrants application form
1 JIlling flyer 301018
2 SJonesDevitt flyer 071118
6 edubites 2018-19

Newcastle University Hatton Gallery | **Open Exhibition Call** | Closing date No.1: 5pm Fri Dec 14th 2018

Newcastle University Hatton Gallery | **Open Exhibition Call** | Closing date No.1: 5pm Fri Dec 14th 2018

Newcastle University’s Institute for Creative Arts Practice, in partnership with Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, invite proposals from Newcastle University staff and Early Career Researchers, from all Faculties, to produce an exhibition at the Hatton Gallery during pre-agreed time slots in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Proposals might be to present the outcomes of research projects, to test works in progress, to display a body of work, or to explore the results of collaborative endeavours. The work must result in high quality creative outputs in keeping with the Hatton Gallery’s world-class exhibitions. With culture and creative arts recognised as one of five key research strengths in the University’s Vision & Strategy (Oct 2018) this is an ideal opportunity to showcase University research.

Proposals are welcome which also reflect TWAM’s mission – to help people determine their place in the world and define their identities, so enhancing their self-respect and their respect for others.

Please note, that this call invites the use of high profile exhibition space within the Hatton Gallery to present research projects. There is no funding attached to the call for exhibition design & production. This means that applicants should indicate the source/intended source of funding for this work (NB: if applying for external funding some match funding might be available dependent on the funder).

More details and application form attached.

Closing date for 2019 slot: 5pm Fri December 14th 2018

Closing Date for 2020 slots: 5pm Friday 29th March 2019

About the Hatton Gallery:https://hattongallery.org.uk/


NU_TWAM Hatton Gallery Exhibitions Call+Application_Final for Circulation_11_Oct_18

Nominations for NTFS and CATE now open

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

We are pleased to announce the launch of the University process to determine the institutional nominees to the 2019 NTFS and CATE scheme.

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme

Nominations are welcomed from all members of staff who feel their work has a major, positive impact on student teaching and learning. Full application details available on LTDS website.

Find out more at the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme workshop on the 17 October, 12:30-1:30pm. Book Now.

Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence

Nominations are welcomed from teams who feel their  collaborative work has a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning. Full application details are also available on the LTDS website.

Nomination deadlines and support from LTDS
Nominations for either scheme should be sent electronically to ltds@ncl.ac.uk by 12 noon on Friday 9  November 2018.

Get in touch with ltds@ncl.ac.uk for further information or support.