Innovate UK ‘AgriTech Catalyst round 8: agriculture and food systems innovation’ call – deadline for internal EoI 26 April 2019

Innovate UK ‘AgriTech Catalyst round 8: agriculture and food systems innovation’ call is currently open, details can be found here.

The aim of this competition is to increase the pace of development and scale of uptake of agricultural and food systems technology and innovation in Africa by:

  • farmers
  • other food systems actors such as manufacturers, processors, retailers, distributors and wholesalers

Agriculture and food systems are changing rapidly, which has important consequences for diets. Uptake of new technology and innovation in this area is low in developing countries, particularly Africa.

Your project proposal must show benefits to African country agriculture and food systems in order to contribute to healthy, safe and nutritious diets. It must clearly demonstrate a research or innovation component.

The call mandates a maximum number of submissions for lead and partner organisations so we’re therefore are required to implement an internal demand management process.

If you’re interested in applying please could you complete the attached EoI form and email to by COB on 26 April 2019.

IUK AgriTech Catalyst 8_Internal EoI

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