Student perspective on Employability, Journal Club 1-2pm, Friday 7 June

Alex Tymon Employability

The next FMS Learning and Teaching Journal Club will be held 1-2pm on Friday 7 June 2019 in room 1.58, Ridley building 2

A sandwich lunch will be provided, and the below paper (also attached) will be presented by Vanessa Armstrong, followed by discussion. If you would like to attend this event please register in advance here

Alex Tymon (2013) The student perspective on employability, Studies in Higher Education, 38:6, 841-856, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2011.604408

The FMS Journal Club meets monthly to discuss education related papers. Meetings are held on Thursdays and Fridays from 1-2pm, in the first week of each month. Everyone is welcome but for catering purposes we require that you register for each session in advance as a light lunch is provided.  If you have any queries about registering please contact , for queries about the Journal Club itself please contact

The last Journal Club for this academic year will be held 1-2pm on Thursday 4 July, presented by Alessio Iannetti. Dates for 2019-20 will be circulated shortly.

Details of the location and paper, along with a link for registration will be circulated in advance of each event. Further information, including past papers can be found on the Journal Club webpage

NIHR BioResource Volunteers

NIHR BioResource Participant Flyer

BioResource PIS

NIHR BioResource Centre Newcastle

The NIHR BioResource Centre Newcastle needs your help to build a panel volunteers interested in taking part in future research into how health and lifestyle influence disease. By becoming a participant you can help advance the diagnosis and treatment of a range of conditions.

We would like to invite you to attend an appointment at one of our clinics taking place on Wednesday 5th June 2019 at the Clinical Research Facility, 6th Floor Leazes Wing, RVI. This appointment will be with one of our nurses who will talk you through the study, go through the consenting process, help you fill out the questionnaires and assist you in donating your sample. This appointment should last approximately 20 minutes. Please see attached our Volunteer Information Sheet which explains your role as a participant and will hopefully answer any questions you may have. If you decide that you would like to join the NIHR BioResource please book an appointment by contacting us using our details below:


Tel: 0191 208 5001

European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants 2019 call briefing

There will be a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants 2019 call briefing delivered by the UK National Contact Point for ERC in Newcastle on 14th June 2019

Registration: here

This will be aimed at established PIs seeking to undertake ground-breaking, high risk research project within any field of research. Suited to those with significant research achievements over the last ten years. Up to €2.5m for up to 5 years with an additional €1m for eligible ‘start up’ costs associated with applicants moving to EU or for major equipment / research facilities.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship 2019 call briefing

There will be a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship 2019 call briefing delivered by the UK National Contact Point for MSCA in Newcastle on 13th June 2019.

Registration: here

This call will provide opportunities to work on research within Europe or outside Europe, deadline 11 September 2019:

  • European Fellowships take place in host institutions in EU Member States or Associated Countries and are open to researchers either coming to Europe or moving within Europe
  • Global Fellowships are based on a secondment to a host institution in a country outside Europe followed by a mandatory return period to a European host institution.

BARDES 10th June. Prof Alison Fox Workshop on Education Research Ethics

Abstract Prof. Alison Fox Workshop 10 June 2019

Please find attached an invitation to join part of the British Alliance of Researchers in Dental Education and Scholarship symposium on the 10th June.

The morning session will be open to staff of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and will consist of a workshop on ethics in education research delivered by Dr Alison Fox, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University. Her work on the development of a framework for defensible ethical enquiry has informed her major contribution to the compilation of the British Education Research Association’s Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. Please find more information about this session attached.

To sign up to this event please follow the link below. The workshop will run from 10:00 to 13:00 and is limited to 30 places.

Wellcome Trust funded SMALL GRANT and BROADENING OUR HORIZONS Call now open

We have opened calls for our Wellcome Trust funded SMALL GRANT and BROADENING OUR HORIZONS schemes and I’d be obliged if you could circulate details to staff in your Units.

The SMALL GRANT SCHEME aims to provide seedcorn funding to allow researchers to:

  • test the feasibility of initial ideas and of potential future studies;
  • produce preliminary data;
  • raise the quality of outputs by supporting additional experimentation often required by the higher ranking journals.

This call includes research in the humanities and social sciences that addresses any aspect of health.  This scheme specifically encourages inter-disciplinary research across Institutes and Faculties.

The scheme will be aimed at individuals who have limited funding, in particular applications from early year researchers are encouraged.

Funds will be made available for projects to commence in September 2019.

Current submission deadline: 01 July 2019  Applications should be submitted to

The BROADENING OUR HORIZONS SCHEME crosses all career stages and pathways (researchers, core facilities’ staff and technicians).

The scheme will provide funding to cover travel, accommodation costs and meeting expenses (where no external funding schemes exist for this purpose) to allow for:

  • attendance at specialist training courses or conferences;
  • short placements in other labs and scientific facilities develop collaborations, strengthen existing skills or to develop skills and expertise in a new technique or discipline;
  • organisation of small meetings and sandpit events in order to bring researchers from different research disciplines together;

and for Early Career Researchers

  • to allow them to receive mentorship from a research leader in their field outside Newcastle in order to develop their own career and professional network and to increase links between external leaders and Newcastle.


MRC/ESRC/CIHR Pre-call announcement: UK-Canada Diabetes Research Team Grants opens 11 June with closing date of 28 August, 4pm

MRC/ESRC/CIHR Pre-call announcement: UK-Canada Diabetes Research Team Grants

Through the UK-Canada Diabetes Research Team Grants, the MRC, ESRC and CIHR aim to:

  • support world-leading collaborative research teams aimed at tackling diabetes
  • enhance existing partnerships and develop new partnerships between the UK and Canada in the area of diabetes research
  • strengthen the strategic relationship between the UK and Canada.

The focus of the collaborative projects will be upon ‘mechanisms and translational solutions’. Projects should focus on one or more of the following key diabetes knowledge gaps:

  • genetic variability
  • molecular mechanisms, including immune-mediated beta cell injury
  • human implementation pilot studies to reverse type 2 diabetes through physical activity and nutrition.

Applications that include researchers with expertise in the social sciences, in addition to biomedical researchers are welcome.
Social scientists can bring an understanding of, for example, individual behaviour, economic evaluation, inequalities, the wider political economy, and wider environmental influences.

This is meant to focus on research applicable to UK and Canadian settings, not on global health.

Each grant will require a UK PI and a Canadian Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) who will equally share leadership and project management for each project funded.
The UK and Canadian applicants will develop a common research plan and jointly prepare the full proposal to be submitted to the MRC.
An abbreviated application will be submitted to CIHR by Canadian applicants.

Funds available:


  • The MRC and ESRC will make up to £2 million available.
  • UK-based applicants may request up to a maximum of £333,333 per proposal to cover the UK component of each research team grant.
  • Projects must be three years in duration and must start on 1 April 2020.


  • The total amount available from CIHR for the Canadian component of this funding opportunity is $2,700,000, enough to fund approximately six grants.
  • The maximum amount per grant is $150,000 per year for up to three years for a total of $450,000 per grant.

Full programme details will be available in the coming weeks.

UK queries to

REGISTER for Getting those Grants two-day Workshop: Mon & Tues 15 & 16 July

We are running our Getting those Grants training course on Monday and Tuesday 15 & 16 July 2019.

This two day training workshop focuses on writing effective research funding applications and is open to any member of academic staff (lecturer onwards and research fellows) who would like to find out more about this or to refine their approach to applying for research funding.

(Please note that there may be a small number of places available for research associates).

The workshop focuses upon UK Research Council funding applications but the principles may be applied to any funding application.

The workshop is facilitated by the three Faculties’ Research Funding Development Managers and will cover:

*             the current funding landscape

*             insights into the peer review system

*             finding funding

*             preparing your case for support

*             showing value for money in your justification of resources

*             writing effective pathways to impact statements

*             making the most of your research environment description

*             preparing your research CV

The workshop is interactive and you will participate in exercises examining real-life examples of funding applications.  You will be joined by participants from the three Faculties.

You will need to be available to attend the full two days of the workshop, which is held in the training room at the Dove Marine Laboratory, Cullercoats (from 09:30 until 16:00).

This workshop is always oversubscribed, so we may need to invite some applicants to attend later workshops.

Please note that this Workshop is primarily designed for academic members of staff and fellows and any places remaining are allocated to PDRAs after registration closes.

If you would like to attend, please complete the booking form on the University’s Organisational Development website (Home: Courses: Research: Research – Workshops: OPRE88) at:

Please note that the Workshop will be repeated at approximately quarterly intervals and registration links will be sent out nearer the time of each individual workshop.

Commercial Projects Team – New Contacts

As some of you will know there has been some changes within the Commercial Projects Team (within Business Development & Enterprise).

Firstly, I am pleased to advise we moved into our new office yesterday (8th Floor, Agriculture Bldg) – bringing together all of the team from across the Faculties.

Specifically with regards to FMS, today is Helen Kelt’s last day with us before moving onto pastures new at Durham University.  In addition, Linda Wilson is leaving us of the 4th of June – moving on to work for a local charity.  Rob Tansey  is now in post (Helen’s replacement) and we are currently advertising for Linda’s replacement.  Pending the recruitment of Linda’s replacement and allowing for the training up of new staff members, please see below who in the FMS team will be the lead on which project types.

I am sure you will join me in wishing both Helen and Linda all the best for the future.

A touch of empathy – ERDP seminar 29 May

MKelly Touch of Empathy 290519

Please find attached flyer with information on the next ERDP Network hosted seminar ‘A Touch of Empathy’ to be delivered by Martina Kelly, Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Family Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta, 1-2pm on Wednesday 29th May in seminar room 1.45, Ridley building 2

We are aware this is very short notice but Dr Kelly is visiting and has found that she has some time to deliver a seminar. She is undertaking thought-provoking and fascinating work on non-verbal communication within medical education. Numbers will be limited to ensure there will be adequate opportunity for discussion. Please sign up using this link or by emailing