EU & International Research Funding 13 June 2019

Welcome!  In this edition there is information on:

  • ERC Advanced Grant 2019 (EU)
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2019 (EU)
  • Draft H2020 Work Programmes: NEW! all  Societal Challenge draft programmes pre-published.  Also available are NMBP, Space and ICT  (EU)
  • Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage (JPICH) call on Conservation, Protection and Use (EU)
  • Open Research Area (ORA) for Social Sciences 2019 (multinational)
  • Life-saving or life improving innovations in conflict zones (Grand Challenges / multinational)
  • Impact of AI on Society and the Economy (FIC / AHRC, ESRC)
  • Pre-announcement of Joint BBSRC-NERC GCRF Sustainable Enhancement of Agriculture and Aquaculture Production Translation Call (GCRF)
  • Newton Fund opportunities for Institutional and Researcher Links (Newton)
  • Global Challenges Academy Rapid Response Funds for project development (internal)
  • John Templeton Foundation: interdisciplinary US-based Foundation (charitable)
  • NEW! Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Exploration (charitable)
  • Opportunity to influence the DFID research agenda

Events: including Global Challenges Summit 2019 and Data Management for AHRC, ESRC and H2020

EU & International Research Funding 13 June 2019