RA Eng Research Fellowship — update on internal selection process for circulation

RAEng Research Fellowships 2019 – Big Pitch Form

Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships 2019/20 – Internal selection process

The Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships, and Engineering for Development Fellowships, opportunity for 2020 is open, see https://www.raeng.org.uk/grants-and-prizes/grants/support-for-research/raeng-research-fellowship.

The fellowships support early career post-doctoral researchers (with up to 4 year post-doc experience, excluding leave). The scheme provides funding for five years to encourage the best researchers in engineering to become research leaders in their specialised areas.

As institutions can only make a limited number of applications, the University will hold an internal selection process as detailed in the attached document.

The internal deadline for submitting your ‘Big Pitch’ form (please find attached) and CV for the internal selection process is midday on Thursday 1 August 2019.

Details on the internal selection process will be outlined at a briefing session on 18 July, from 1.00-2.30pm, Armstrong Building, Seminar room 3.41. Interested applicants are expected to attend.

Any queries may be addressed to Jarlath McKenna <Jarlath.mckenna@newcastle.ac.uk>. Please let him know if you wish to attend the briefing session, or if you plan to submit to the internal selection process but cannot attend the briefing.


NEWTON FUND MRC South Africa-UK Antibiotic Accelerator Initiative

Please note that although the closing date for full applications is 5th September, there is a compulsory intention to submit form that must be submitted by 22 July.

5 September 2019, 4pm                22 July 2019 (Intention to submit)

NEWTON FUND MRC South Africa-UK Antibiotic Accelerator Initiative


The UK MRC and South African MRC (SAMRC) are pleased to invite proposals to the South Africa – UK Antibiotic Accelerator under the umbrella of the Newton Fund.

This initiative will provide funding for high quality collaborative research partnerships focused on addressing the growing global burden of antimicrobial resistance, specifically antibacterial resistance in (South) Africa, through drug discovery.

In total, the MRC will make up to £2 million available to support the antibiotic accelerator over a 3-year period. The UK contribution will be matched by SAMRC who will provide up to R24 million.

Through this initiative, the funders are seeking to support a genuinely collaborative SA-UK Antibiotic Accelerator composed of hubs in the UK and South Africa, with integrated opportunities for capacity building. Bids should seek to build on existing collaborations, initiatives, databases, novel chemistry and compound libraries were possible, and propose a robust governance and management structure that will ensure the sustainability of the Accelerator.

The pre-competitive development and testing of new compounds as well as a pipeline of validated compounds and the sharing of relevant chemical matter targeting bacterial strains of greatest public health concern to South Africa are particularly encouraged. Applications with innovative approaches to assay development, high throughput compound screening and lead development with scope for expansion if and when opportunities arise will be prioritised. The final accelerator will include multiple geographically distributed groups focusing on different work packages with a robust overarching governance mechanism to ensure equitable distribution of funds in line with the objective of the initiative.

The following pathogens, relevant to the context of AMR in South Africa are within the remit of this call:

  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Acinetobacter baumannii
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Enterobacteriaceae
  • Gram-negative carbapenem-resistant pathogens
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Campylobacter
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Salmonella spp, in particular S.typhi
  • Shigella spp

N.B. Full applications are conditional on having submitted a compulsory intention to submit. This must be submitted by Monday 22 July, 23:59pm via the online form


The funding agencies will play a further brokering role in this call, after the intention to submit stage.

For full details please see the full documentation on the URL given above

Engagement and Place Training Opportunity: NU-KESS workshop

Please find attached a training opportunity forwarded from the Engagement and Place Team centrally which may appeal to PhD students, PGRs /early career researchers right through to senior academics. It is to join a NU-KESS (Newcastle University Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series) workshop focussed on the presentation of research to local decision makers. The deadline for applications is the 31st July and further information can be found in the attached document.

NU-KESS Open Call document June 2019