BARDES 10th June. Prof Alison Fox Workshop on Education Research Ethics

Abstract Prof. Alison Fox Workshop 10 June 2019

Please find attached an invitation to join part of the British Alliance of Researchers in Dental Education and Scholarship symposium on the 10th June.

The morning session will be open to staff of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and will consist of a workshop on ethics in education research delivered by Dr Alison Fox, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University. Her work on the development of a framework for defensible ethical enquiry has informed her major contribution to the compilation of the British Education Research Association’s Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. Please find more information about this session attached.

To sign up to this event please follow the link below. The workshop will run from 10:00 to 13:00 and is limited to 30 places.

REGISTER for Getting those Grants two-day Workshop: Mon & Tues 15 & 16 July

We are running our Getting those Grants training course on Monday and Tuesday 15 & 16 July 2019.

This two day training workshop focuses on writing effective research funding applications and is open to any member of academic staff (lecturer onwards and research fellows) who would like to find out more about this or to refine their approach to applying for research funding.

(Please note that there may be a small number of places available for research associates).

The workshop focuses upon UK Research Council funding applications but the principles may be applied to any funding application.

The workshop is facilitated by the three Faculties’ Research Funding Development Managers and will cover:

*             the current funding landscape

*             insights into the peer review system

*             finding funding

*             preparing your case for support

*             showing value for money in your justification of resources

*             writing effective pathways to impact statements

*             making the most of your research environment description

*             preparing your research CV

The workshop is interactive and you will participate in exercises examining real-life examples of funding applications.  You will be joined by participants from the three Faculties.

You will need to be available to attend the full two days of the workshop, which is held in the training room at the Dove Marine Laboratory, Cullercoats (from 09:30 until 16:00).

This workshop is always oversubscribed, so we may need to invite some applicants to attend later workshops.

Please note that this Workshop is primarily designed for academic members of staff and fellows and any places remaining are allocated to PDRAs after registration closes.

If you would like to attend, please complete the booking form on the University’s Organisational Development website (Home: Courses: Research: Research – Workshops: OPRE88) at:

Please note that the Workshop will be repeated at approximately quarterly intervals and registration links will be sent out nearer the time of each individual workshop.

A touch of empathy – ERDP seminar 29 May

MKelly Touch of Empathy 290519

Please find attached flyer with information on the next ERDP Network hosted seminar ‘A Touch of Empathy’ to be delivered by Martina Kelly, Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Family Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta, 1-2pm on Wednesday 29th May in seminar room 1.45, Ridley building 2

We are aware this is very short notice but Dr Kelly is visiting and has found that she has some time to deliver a seminar. She is undertaking thought-provoking and fascinating work on non-verbal communication within medical education. Numbers will be limited to ensure there will be adequate opportunity for discussion. Please sign up using this link or by emailing

Global Challenges Academy – Women in Development Network (WiDeN) workshop – 29 May (1300-1430, KGVI.1.36B)

Dear colleague – as you may know, Pauline Dixon, Karen Ross  and Bob Newbery have recently been awarded some pump-priming funding from the Global Challenges Academy to set up the Women in Development Network (WiDeN) Our longer-term plan for WiDeN is to be able to respond to future calls under GCRF which focus on gender and the economy and in particular, looking at the ways in which women are empowering themselves (and the families and communities) through their entrepreneurial activities. We hope to be able to answer fundamental questions which relate to the institutions, cultural norms, structures and strategies which enable such activity to develop and flourish or which, on the other hand, hinder women’s economic ambitions.

In the short-term, however, we would like to invite anyone who is working in the broad area of gender and development, gender and the economy or gender and entrepreneurial activity or indeed any other area of gender-based research which seems relevant, to come along to a lunchtime meeting to exchange experiences and interests and hopefully identify some initial ideas for collaboration.

WiDeN is at a very preliminary stage of its development, everything is possible, so if you’d like to get involved in something interesting which could become brilliant, please come along on Wednesday 29 May (1300-1430,  KGVI.1.36B), and let’s start talking.  Lunch provided. Please register here so we can organise catering and avoid creating a sandwich mountain.

‘Connect on …. Japan’ Friday 03 May 2019 14:00-15:30

Interested in collaborating with Japan? Please join our ‘Connect on …. Japan’ event which will take place on Friday 03 May 2019 14:00-15:30.

Update on RENKEI – Japan – UK network of universities
Overview of research funding opportunities with Japan
Pecha-Kucha presentations (timed at 3 minutes max) – we’d also love for you to tell us about your research interests in relation to Japan!

Please sign up at                           Any questions contact

Student experiences across flipped courses, Journal Club 1-2, Thursday 2 May

The next FMS Learning and Teaching Journal Club will be held 1-2pm on Thursday 2 May 2019 in room 1.48, Ridley building 2

A sandwich lunch will be provided, and the below paper (also attached) will be presented by Alison Clapp, followed by discussion. If you would like to attend this event please register in advance here

Student experiences of multiple flipped courses in a single curriculum

Khanova J, Roth MT, Rodgers JE & McLaughlin JE. Student experiences across multiple flipped courses in a single curriculum. Medical Education 2015: 49: 1038-1048

doi: 10.1111/medu.12807

The FMS Journal Club meets monthly to discuss education related papers. Meetings are held on Thursdays and Fridays from 1-2pm, in the first week of each month. Everyone is welcome but for catering purposes we require that you register for each session in advance as a light lunch is provided.  If you have any queries about registering please contact , for queries about the Journal Club itself please contact

Journal Club dates (both 1-2pm) and speakers for the rest of 2019 are:

  • Friday 7 June 2019 – Vanessa Armstrong
  • Thursday 4 July 2019 – Alessio Iannetti

Details of the location and paper, along with a link for registration will be circulated in advance of each event. Further information, including past papers can be found on the Journal Club webpage

ERDP Seminar: Queer Bioethics, 1-2pm, 7 May

CRichie flyer 070519

Dear colleagues

Please find attached flyer with information on the next ERDP Network hosted seminar ‘Queer Bioethics: Unpacking an American Notion’ to be delivered by Prof Cristina Richie, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University & Head of North Carolina UNESCO Bioethics Unit, 1-2pm on Tuesday 7 May in seminar room L2.3, 2nd floor Leech building, Medical School.

Further information on Prof Richie and her work can be found on her East Carolina University webpage

Numbers will be limited to ensure there will be adequate opportunity for discussion. Please sign up using this link or by emailing

Broad’s Genome Analysis Toolkit Workshop

We are very happy to announce that, we have been able to get a 4-person-strong team from the Broad Institute in Boston over to Newcastle to deliver a four-day workshop from June the 18th to 21st. The registration fee for this workshop is £100.

This workshop will focus on the core steps involved in calling variants with the Broad’s Genome Analysis Toolkit (, using the “Best Practices” developed by the GATK team. The workshop is composed of a new 4 day format consisting of lectures (including many opportunities for Q&A) and hands-on training a program out line is given here:

The places are very limited and we are only able to register 40 participants (Including applicants from outside of the Newcastle University).

The sign-up form for the workshop is here:

For more information e-mail: or

Please feel free to forward this mail to anyone else potentially interested.

STEM outreach forum

Newcastle University STEM Outreach Forum


15 May 2019, 16:00 – 17:30 Armstrong Building G.08


Dear colleague,

The Faculties of Medical Sciences and Science, Agriculture and Engineering have successfully presented extensive outreach programmes for schools and colleges for a number of years. The in-school activities and on-campus events both Faculties offer aim to engage with students from low participation and under-represented backgrounds to engage with HE, and to promote progression to University study for the most able students from across the UK.

A key part of ensuring this outreach activity maintains an excellent level of quality and relevance is through input from enthusiastic and supportive academic and technical colleagues. Our outreach teams have built up many positive relationships with colleagues from across a range of research institutes, groups and academic schools through which we have developed new and engaging activities and events.
With a view to further develop the university’s outreach work with schools and colleges we would like to extend to you an invitation to a new STEM Outreach Forum. The aims of this forum are:
·         To share details of the current outreach offer and plans for future engagement

·         To generate ideas for new outreach activities and events

·         To develop a network of colleagues who have an interest in promoting and getting involved with STEM Outreach


We look forward to welcoming you for a drink, a bite to eat and some informal discussion. To register your place at the inaugural meeting please complete this web form.

The power of ‘evidence’, Journal Club 1-2, Friday 5 April


The next FMS Learning and Teaching Journal Club will be held 1-2pm on Friday 5 April 2019 in room 1.48, Ridley building 2

A sandwich lunch will be provided, and the below paper (also attached) will be presented by Ellen Tullo and Luisa Wakeling, followed by discussion. If you would like to attend this event please register in advance here

Wrigley, T. The power of ‘evidence’: Reliable science or a set of blunt tools? (2018) British Educational Research Journal 44:3, 359–376 DOI: 10.1002/berj.3338

The FMS Journal Club meets monthly to discuss education related papers. Meetings are held on Thursdays and Fridays from 1-2pm, in the first week of each month. Everyone is welcome but for catering purposes we require that you register for each session in advance as a light lunch is provided.  If you have any queries about registering please contact , for queries about the Journal Club itself please contact

Journal Club dates (all 1-2pm) and speakers for the rest of 2019 for your diary are:

  • Thursday 2 May 2019 – Alison Clapp
  • Friday 7 June 2019 – Vanessa Armstrong
  • Thursday 4 July 2019 – Alessio Iannetti

Details of the location and paper, along with a link for registration will be circulated in advance of each event. Further information, including past papers can be found on the Journal Club webpage