NU Innovates: Collaborate with GSK, Monday July 30th, 11-12, Dental Lecture Theatre E

Dear colleagues

I am writing to you as you have previously attended or expressed an interest in our NU Innovates Seminar Series, .  I would also like to remind you that the Newcastle MRC Proximity to Discovery Reactive scheme is always open, !

The fifth NU Innovates Seminar takes place next week, and offers an opportunity to learn about opportunities to collaborate with GSK.

NU Innovates: Collaborate with GSK

Guest Speaker: Iain Uings, Director of Discovery Partnerships with Academia at GlaxoSmithKline

Date/Time: Monday 30th July 2018, 11:00 – 12.00

Venue: Dental Lecture Theatre E, Medical School

Iain Uings, will provide details of the GSK Discovery Partnership for Academia scheme (  This scheme is designed to provide industrial drug discovery resources and expertise to academic researchers. GSK is interested in any disease area and based on any treatment modality, be it small molecule or biopharmaceutical. GSK will undertake projects starting from early screening to late lead optimisation.

A DPAc partnership offers you:

  • A single partner to develop an idea into a therapeutic
  • Collaboration with GSK researchers with the skills and resources to meet your needs
  • Access to state-of-the-art drug discovery platforms
  • A financial share in the success of any future medicines

To register for this event please email me,

The NU Innovates program is supported by the University’s MRC Proximity to Discovery scheme.

Northern and Yorkshire Annual Rheumatology Meeting 2018

Registration: This event is free. However we do need people to register for the event. This helps us in the planning of the event, plotting which rooms are best to use, organising the catering and making sure we comply with Health and Safety regulations. This link(via Eventbrite) will be active until 12th September 2018, which is the deadline for registration. If you wish to see if spaces are available to register after this date, or have any other questions about the form or any difficulty in using it please contact

Abstract submission instructions: Abstracts should be limited to 1 side of A4 (12 point font) and may include 1 figure; they should be sent by e-mail to Janet Herdman ( no later than 17:00 on Monday 3rd September.

Clinical cases for the morning session, please contact Mike Green ( asap
For further details see our website
Or follow us on Facebook (Northern and Yorkshire Rheumatology Meeting) or Twitter (@NYRCMeeting)

Volunteers required for a research study

To whom it may concern

I am studying an MRes in Neuroscience and need to recruit more volunteers for my research project. I was wondering if it would be OK for you to circulate this information around the ICM mailing list so I can recruit some more participants?

We’re looking at the effects of anthocyanins, specifically blackcurrant, on cognition and monoamine oxidase inhibition in the brain. 

The study requires volunteers to come to the NU Food Unit in the Agriculture Building 4 times over the course of 3 weeks. The first session is just a screening session and will take around 1 hour. Then on each of the 3 study days participants will arrive at 08:30 and have a baseline blood sample taken and perform a baseline cognitive test on a computer. They will then be given a formulated blackcurrant drink and then throughout the day will have 2 more blood tests and will perform 2 more cognitive tasks.

The morning sessions usually last around 2-2.5 hours and then participants are free to leave before returning at around 1pm for 30-40 mins. 

We are looking for healthy, non-smoking volunteers aged 18-35 who are not pregnant, don’t take any prescription drugs and have no allergies to any of the ingredients in the drinks. 

Participants will be offered a £25 Eldon Square voucher for taking part.

I have attached the information sheet and for more information please contact me on

AW03-BC Information sheet


EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Team visit on Thursday 24th May

The EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Team will be visiting the University on Thursday 24th May.

This is a really exciting opportunity to meet key representatives from the Healthcare Technologies team and hear about the priorities and opportunities in this area. In addition to a presentation from the EPSRC team and a showcase of Newcastle University research,  the agenda includes a networking lunch and a limited number of one to one sessions. More information on the EPSRC Healthcare Technologies theme can be found here.

To register to participate in this event please complete the following form:

Introductory “snap shot” slides

We would like to invite you to contribute an introductory slide to be displayed as part of a rolling presentation over the networking lunch .These slides will represent Newcastle University’s strengths in addressing the vision of the healthcare technologies theme to accelerate the translation of engineering and physical sciences research to healthcare applications.

Slides should ideally be image based with a key message or title and your name(s) and sent to by Friday 18th May.


If you would like to present a poster showcasing research within the Healthcare Technologies remit please contact as soon as possible with a title. Posters will be set up on the afternoon of 23rd May.

One to one sessions

There are a limited number of one to one session available to speak with an EPSRC representative. If you have registered interest in these sessions, you will be contacted separately with more information.

Please contact Dr Amy Brown (, SAgE Research Funding and Development Team if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th May.

DRAFT Short Agenda EPSRC HCT May 2018 NU_v2 (002)

Resilience Workshop for all Staff and Students – May & June

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week (14-20th May), we are offering a series of three workshops to give staff and students tools and techniques around resilience that can applied at work or at home.

The workshops will be delivered by Lisa Rippingale, who recently joined the University as a Senior Organisational Development Adviser. Lisa was trained by Dr Mandi Sherlock Storey (Chartered and Registered Practitioner Occupational Psychologist, and Head of Leadership Transformation with the North East Leadership Academy), who originally developed these workshops as part of her PhD research on Resilience. Lisa has successfully delivered similar workshops at a number of organisations in recent years.

The workshops run as a series, so you need to commit and sign up for all three:

15 May 2018, 12 – 1pm, RIDB1.2.04A (Seminar Room 2.04A, 2nd Floor Ridley 1)

5 June 2018, 12 – 1pm, RIDB1.2.04A (Seminar Room 2.04A, 2nd Floor Ridley 1)

27 June 2018, 12 – 1pm, MED L2.8 (Seminar Room L2.8, 2nd Floor Leech Building)

To sign up please use the form here.

 Resilience Workshops


Sian Robinson’s Seminar 11th April 2018

Professor Avan Sayer of NIHR Newcastle BRC is delighted to be hosting Professor Sian Robinson of the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton on Wednesday 11th April 2018.  Professor  Robinson will be giving a seminar in Great Gable Seminar Room, First Floor, Biomedical Research Building,  Campus for Ageing and Vitality at 12.30pm.

Title: “Lifestyle across the lifecourse: opportunities for intervention to promote healthy ageing?”

Bio: Professor Sian Robinson is an MRC Scientist and Professor of Nutritional Epidemiology who leads MRC and NIHR funded research on the role of nutrition and lifestyle across the lifecourse as determinants of inequalities in adult health and disease – with a particular interest on early life influences on growth and development, and subsequent effects on sarcopenia and ageing.  Her current focus is on translating the findings into beneficial interventions for older people and she is lead for Lifestyle and Healthy Ageing at the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre.

Lunch is available from 12pm, please RSVP to if you would like to attend the lunch.

BRC Seminar Series Professor Sian Robinson 11 April 2018