Windows XP x64 SP3…?

Something else I didn’t know!

With the release of XP SP3 I assumed there was an x64 version but…

It seems this is not the case as XP x64 already has the V5.2 kernel and (something else I didn’t know) the x64’s SP2 release was 3 years later than the x86 version so it is much more up to date.

Confusing but that’s why you won’t see any SP3 x64 builds (at least for a while)!

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About James

I am an Infrastructure Systems Administrator in the Infrastructure Systems Group (ISG) within ISS. We are responsible for a number of the core services which support the IT Infrastructure of the University including Active Directory, Exchange, DNS, Central Filestore, VMware and SQL. I hold number of current Microsoft Certifications and am also a Symantec Certified Specialist (Netbackup)

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