The following issues have been addressed in the update deployed on 30th May 2013:
- Right click to complete a task has been disabled
- Ability to complete a task that is assigned to someone else has been removed
- Dashboard queries:
- In “My Open Tickets”, “My Team’s Unassigned Tickets” and in “All Open Tickets For My Team” the “Ticket ID” has been renamed to “ID” throughout
- In the “My Open Tickets” and “My Team’s Unassigned Tickets” lists, the “location” column is now labelled “Location”
- The refresh on the Dashboard is set to 5 minutes. (NOTE: to make sure you are seeing the latest information, refresh/reload the page by pressing F5)
- Removed ‘Email sent in error’ from history pane and the notifications tab
- Changed the label from “Raise User” to “Note created by” within the “Add Note” action (there was some confusion about the function of this field)
- Amended spelling of ‘Raise User’ in ‘Add assignment’
- Changed email notifications show to “group” as lower case; fixed some formatting issues with Email Notifications (e.g. line breaks)
- If a member of staff responds to a MI email, it now adds a note to the Incident rather than send an email stating ‘your email could not be processed’
- Once a ticket is logged, the ‘Raise User’ now cannot be amended
- Amended spelling from ‘Fullfilled’ to ‘Fulfilled’ when you select in the Fulfilment details screen
- ‘Send date’ flag on certain system generated emails was showing as 13th December 2007 – now showing the actual send date
- Expanded the text box on ‘with customer’ screen
“Changed the label from “Raise User” to “Note created by” within the “Add Note” action (there was some confusion about the function of this field)” – So, for consistency, the analyst should enter their details here? The previous screen has the ‘Raise user’ being the person who requires the service – I cansee why there was some confusion.
If it IS the analyst’s details in the Note’s field, could it not be autofilled with the current analyst’s details?