NU Service – the next phase: Knowledge and Self-Service

You will be aware that the IT Service website, re-launched in August last year, provided us with a dedicated area of searchable knowledge, centred around our current Service Catalogue. It was always the intention that this knowledge would eventually be used to form the basis of a Knowledge Base underpinning Self-Service in the new ITSM system, NU Service.

The next phase of the NU Service project is the architecture and development of the Knowledge Base and Self-Service elements. A very high-level overview of activities is detailed below. Dates are still to be confirmed.

 •Taking an extract of the current IT Service website knowledge base data from the CMS (proposed date: 9th September)

•Formatting this data for the new NU Service Knowledge Base

•Data upload into NU Service

•Involvement from Service Owners and knowledge owners (ISS web editors) to review knowledge articles (communications around this to follow)

To help us plan the smooth transition of this data, please could Service Owners and ISS web editors advise of any planned or likely changes to information in the IT Service website knowledge base (currently updated via the CMS, Terminal Four), which may take place between 9th September until the end of November 2013. If you are aware of any potential changes please contact the Service Process team ( before close of business on 6th September 2013.

Although it would help if there were as few changes as possible (ideally none) to the source information in the CMS during the stated period, should essential changes to knowledge be required, we would be grateful if you could do the following:

 •Execute the change in the CMS as you would normally

•Email the Service Process team with the update(s) made

Further information about how knowledge articles with be created and updated in the future will follow, in the meantime if you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact the Service Process team (

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