Work to replace the web servers is currently in test stage; it is anticipated that the new web servers will be moved into the live environment (without the need for system downtime) during week commencing 25th May.
We are also in the process of testing an upgrade of NU Service to ensure it is running on the latest version. The aim is to go live with the upgrade during week commencing 1st June. Downtime will be communicated when this has been scheduled. Please note that this upgrade will not release new or changed functionality.
Our next steps after this work is to plan a development cycle to release new and/or improve existing system functionality. The planning for this will entail reviewing our issues and wish list database* that many of you have been contributing too. We acknowledge that improvements to visibility of the history within a ticket is a high priority.
*At the moment this is a private database used by the SP team for planning other purposes and is not suitable for sharing. We may look at an appropriate way to share some relevant information such as this in the future.