With regards to the lack of visibility of the history of a ticket in NU Service. The Service Process team agreed that implementing a solution to this issue would be a priority in our next development cycle.
Our investigations identified feasible (albeit complex) configuration options that would work towards an improvement. However, the system provider contacted us last week in response to the concerns we expressed over such an important aspect being difficult to achieve.
We have been assured that one focus of the next version being released later this year is the History pane itself. This would improve two aspects of the system:
1. Providing the required visibility of the history of a ticket and
2. Improve the History pane that is hard coded in the system which adds little value as it currently exists.
With this in mind, we are going to postpone the configuration options that we were considering and instead feed in to the system provider’s initiative in the hopes that a robust solution can be designed and offered to us through an upgrade later this year.