NU Service Release notes – 20th April 2016

The purpose of this release was to fix a couple of minor issues and to make some quick improvements based on wish list items following the on-boarding of the Faculty of Medical Sciences.

Ticket History

  • Wish – We have amended the ‘Add Task’ action in the Ticket History for Incidents and Service requests to now show the correct details for task assignments.
  • Issue We have fixed the ‘With Customer’ and ‘Reopen’ Ticket History entries to display the text correctly in relation to the entry title.

Wish – We have added the ability for all analysts to be able to collapse dashboard queries at will. Any changes to these dashboards are personal to each analyst.

Wish – We have altered the collection shown at the bottom of Quick Open requests (and also for standard Service Requests) to show the ‘By User’ filter first, rather than ‘Request Tasks’

Issue – we have fixed an attribute in the ‘Search All Tickets’ query that would show the ‘Raise User’ incorrectly as the ‘Raised By’ user.

Change – We have made some amendments to FMS ticket dashboards to remove certain categories, for clarity. In addition, we have created a new dashboard showing tickets split by FMS school as well as tickets closed over the previous 30 days.

Change We have amended some categories that were routing tickets to the FMS IT SUPPORT group to route correctly – for some of these we have added in additional categories that are published only to customers within FMS.

Change – We have made some user management updates to accommodate recent changes to some NUIT teams.

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