As promised, an update on my first lecture, my supervisor meeting and graduation.

So, I popped my lecture cherry with a talk on how I come up with the things I like to look at sociologically and an example of an analytical method I have employed in the past. I called it “ Making Something out of Nothing ”. I was expecting a maximum of about 6 people to turn up, but much to my surprise about half of the class that I’m a TA/discussant for turned up, I think about 25- 30 people, but I didn’t count because it wasn’t mandatory, but that’s not bad going is it?

So I waffled on about finding something that excites you and turning it in to your research. The example I used was a bit of graffiti I found on my way to uni one day. Seriously, I owe the fine art student who did it a pint if I ever find out who (s)he is! That wee bit of vandalism has inspired me on so many levels and provided me with a kicking off point for so much of my work since then. So after I talked about that image, my dissertation on how urban sports (wo)men subvert space and my dissertation on graffiti in women’s toilets (I know more than any one person should about the sociology of women’s loos). I moved on to explaining how I did a Foucauldian genealogical analysis of the photograph I took of that graffiti. I think it went ok, no false modesty, but public speaking is not my strongest point, and to be fair neither is Foucauldian language really, so for a first timer stretching herself I think I did ok. I didn’t fumble too much and I didn’t swear, so I think I’m improving!
My supervisor meeting went ok. I was told in that I need to start writing down what I’m up to, to use as evidence in my progression review. Apparently they won’t just take my word for it that I’ve been filling my time with sociology and not just sitting in my room reading Mills and Boon novels, whilst eating dainty chocolates. I had submitted a small amount of work to them, in preparation for my ethics approval. Basically the ethics approval submission is a form that tells the uni what your up to, (they are probably just checking that your not conducting covert experiments of orphans, or what ever) it lets them decide if they can get behind your research. It’s sometimes billed as a bit of a formality, but I quite enjoy thinking about the ethics of my proposal. I had attempted to cut my research proposal down to 500 words, because that’s what they request, but brevity is not my strongest point (either). So it was a bit naff, I knew it was a bit naff and I don’t think it lit up Rob and Elaine’s world either. Thankfully they told me I could make my proposal longer if I liked. So I went back to my original ESRC application and went to town on tweaking and adding. I was really pleased in the end. Enjoy reading those 3500 words whoever is in charge of approving me!

On Monday I graduated from my Masters in Sociology. My mum and my gran were there to see me get hooded. This is my third graduation now and I must say it was by far the longest. We had two gentlemen being awarded honorary degrees for their work in sustainability. Their speeches were interesting, I couldn’t help thinking: “This would have awesome at my last graduation.” Town Planners love sustainability. Unfortunately their introductions and speeches made the graduation which started at 10:45 stretch till after 12. Just my luck, I had a lecture to go to at 12, I was really looking forward to flouncing in in my gown. (Hey, it cost me £42 to hire, I wanted to make the most of it.) Alas by the time I hit the building my lecture was in it was 20 past-ish, so I decided to miss it. I hate people who rock up late and disrupt lectures. It’s a shame I was quite looking forward to it too. On the other hand I got to chill out with my some friends from the masters and meet their parents. We all stay in touch on Facebook, but it’s not the same. Now everyone has lives it’s hard to get us all in the same room!

Here are some photos, taken by my mum, who clearly missed her calling as a photographer. Not.

And I clearly missed my calling as a super model.

Well that’s it for the time being. Rock n Roll, eh? Next time I’ll tell you about the post-grad Christmas party, which in actual fact happened last Thursday, but I figure I’ll it’ll give me something to talk about next week whilst I’m on ‘holiday’! I’ll probably also have a moan about the work I’m doing for the last HaSS module I took. If I get a bit too busy to update, have an awesome Christmas!

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