NELR Podcast: Divine Winds, a film by Dr Víctor M. Cázares L., Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Newcastle University

Dive into a riveting conversation with Víctor Cázares as he unravels the intricate dance between history and law, exploring how constitutions are more than just texts—they’re powerful, sometimes violent, catalysts for societal change.

Discover the untold stories behind constitutional evolution as Víctor highlights the surprising connections between peacemaking and conflict and why history’s lessons are crucial for shaping the laws of tomorrow.

Be captivated by Víctor’s innovative approach of using music and film to illustrate the dynamic and often tumultuous world of legal history, showing how artistic mediums can bring new insights into academic research.

The podcast is hosted by Bernardo Carvalho De Mello, co-convenor of the Constitutionalism & Governance Research Group and PGR student at Newcastle Law School.