The network aims to provide a space for members to meet up every two months. Meetings are very informal and you can choose to share as much or as little information about your situation as you choose. They are a good opportunity to ask questions – things you’ve been wondering about but didn’t really know who to ask. For example, what is the Direct Payment Support Service?
Who is a carer?
You are a carer if you provide care and support to a relative, partner, child, friend or neighbour who has a disability, health condition, is frail due to old age or is finding it hard to cope for other reasons.
Signing up to the Network
You are welcome to sign-up to be a member of the Network where you’ll find colleague support, carers’ information and the opportunity to ask questions within the group. The Network is hosted on teams and provides newsletters.
Please complete this form: NU Carers’ Network Members Form.