NU Carers’ Network is for any member of staff or PGR student with caring responsibilities, previous caring experience, or who is involved with caring.
What we do:
- Give peer support
- Signpost to resources, information, and professional support
- Represent the interests and needs of members within the University
- Hold regular meetings and events
How to join:
Please complete this form​ to join. If you perform any of the following for a friend/relative who could not manage without your help due to illness, disability, old age, mental health or addiction issues, you may be an unpaid carer.
- Drive them to the GP, hospital or other medical appointments
- Shop for or make their meals
- Assist with home maintenance
- Provide personal care
- Provide practical help
- Provide help with personal admin including finances
- Arrange services
- Help them stay engaged in routine exercise or therapy
- Assist with medications
- Collect prescriptions
- Liaise with care professionals
- Take children to school due to their parents/guardians being mentally or physically unable to
- Look out for their safety
- Take them out of the house for social time/fresh air
- Provide emotional support
- Interpret, sign or use other communication systems for them