About Us

A very warm welcome to the NU Parent’s Blog! We’re here to bring you news, views, events and strengthen our community for staff and PG parents at Newcastle University. We welcome and support parents of all ages and genders.

Our network aims to build and oversee an interactive and supportive network for all parents at Newcastle University, and to be a voice for parents with children of all ages at institutional level. In s​upport of Newcastle University’s vision to become a family friendly centre of excellence. 

We hope you will join in, and maybe even write some posts/diaries or just thoughts really. At the moment of course, it is all about Covid – our response, our thoughts and how it has impacted all our lives. With this in mind, we are currently asking for contributions to our ‘Talking Together’ event which aims to examine the impact of the pandemic across the networks, and hopefully draw out some tangible actions. Please contact us if you would like to be part of this.

What We Do

The network holds regular events for their members, such as:

Social Activities: Such as casual coffee meets, to give parents a chance to relax, share experience and offer mutual support.

Informative Events: To inform parents about relevant information (for example, a talk on applying for schools, or a first aid course).

We also are aiming to have events that will look critically at University policy and influence it. We play a large role in feeding into the Newcastle University Parenting and Childcare Review, and hope to influence policies, such as flexible working, in the future.